Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Can there be lice on dyed hair

Lice feed on blood. Therefore, they do not care what color curls, whether they are colored or not, whether a person uses shampoo. Girls who doubt whether lice live on dyed hair should understand that dyeing with modern dyes without ammonia is harmless to insects.

Who is the louse and where does it live

A small parasite has a short life cyclewhich lasts two months. Adult female manages to lay more than a hundred eggs. She attaches her nits to a hair close to the skin.

The insect has three varieties:

  1. Head louse and nits - settles on the head.
  2. Pubic Louse - lives among hard hair: eyelashes, eyebrows, mustaches, pubis.
  3. Clothes parasite - lives in clothes. He moves to his victim only to bite.
Types of Lice
Types of Lice

Pediculosis anyone can get sick. Even those girls who wash their hair thoroughly and visit hairdressing salons may one day notice a parasite on themselves.

Many young ladies are sure that if you regularly dye your hair, then their louse will not stay. But the bloodsuckers do not care what the locks were processed before they appeared.

On a note!

A beauty salon can even become a peddler of infection. Through raw tools and dirty cloaks, insects can migrate from one head to another.

Does staining treat lice

Modern paints can not be called effective remedy for lice. They are made on the basis of plant extracts and do not add toxic substances. Such paint can only change the color of the pest and slightly weaken it.


Lice on dyed hair live and breed same as not on stained.

If there is a desire get rid of lice using paint, it is worth choosing a tool with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Such a composition negatively affects the hair and its inhabitants. It destroys the chitinous shell of lice and kills it.

Nits on dyed hair will not die. Therefore, after the procedure, it is worth taking a comb and combing the curls thoroughly. Combing will help remove eggs and dead pests.

How to color your hair so that lice disappear

Hair dye
Hair dye

In order for the procedure to help get rid of unwanted bloodsuckers, it is worth it to perform it correctly. Before changing the color of the strands, you must do the following:

  1. Buy ammonia paint. Most often, it is cheap and is located on the lower shelves of the store.
  2. Perform an allergy test. Apply a little paint to the skin, preferably on the bend of the elbow or wrist. If itching and redness do not appear in a day, then you can calmly color your curls.

The procedure should be carried out in a ventilated area. Always wear gloves on your hands. On the face, near the hairline and on the ears, apply a thick layer of oily cream. Paint is diluted and applied according to the instructions.

On a note!

Coloring is best left to another person. It will be easier for him to completely process all the hair.

Dyeing with hydrogen peroxide or ammonia cannot guarantee complete elimination of insects. Parasites can live on dyed hair and multiply calmly in them. Therefore, after the procedure, it is necessary comb out nits special comb. Crest help get rid of lice permanently.

If parasitizing individuals could not be removed, then you need to choose another special tool: shampoo, ointment or spray.


Before staining, you need to carefully examine the scalp. Lice treatment should be carried out in another way if:

  • there are combs and wounds;
  • sores appeared in the bite sites;
  • there are too many lice and nits on the head.

In the first two cases, the procedure will cause a burn and severely damage the hair. In the latter version, it will not help.

Can lice appear on dyed hair

Dyed hair
Dyed hair

Immediately after the procedure, the lice will not get on the head, they will be scared away by a pungent smell. But after a couple of days, the hair will cease to exude an unpleasant odor for living creatures. Therefore, hair coloring should not be considered as lice prophylaxis.

Lice may appear on dyed hair. The female will immediately postpone up to five nits, and the insects will instantly breed.

In dyed hair, living creatures feel comfortable. After all, her food is blood. If you are interested in the question of whether lice start after staining, the answer will be unequivocal - yes, and they feel great.

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