Pest Online Magazine
My home is my castle. But what if your fortress attracted home pests? Not a single home is safe from intruders. Domestic pests not only cause a sense of disgust, but also spoil the interior, food, clothes, spread infections, cause discomfort to pets. Certain types of insects can cause damage to health. The site provides comprehensive information on how to get rid of domestic pests forever and prevent their occurrence.
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In the world there are more than 50,000 species of ticks, most of them quite harmless. The following varieties pose a danger to humans:- blood-sucking;
- dust.
Fleas belong to blood-sucking insects, and they like not only the blood of domestic animals, but also humans. They do not choose their victim’s body as their habitat, but more comfortable places: upholstered furniture, bedding. A flea bite can cause allergic reactions and a number of diseases: plague, encephalitis, helminthiasis, anthrax. To get rid of dangerous insects, you just need to study the source of their penetration into the house and choose the right insecticides.Lice
Lice are individuals parasitizing in the hairline. They pierce the top layer of the skin and feed on blood. Hanging species is able to infect its victim with typhus. In places of bites, scars, boils, ulcers appear. Lice parasitize both animals and humans. It is impossible to get lice from animals. Each species of mammal has its own species of insect. In each individual case, a specific method of pediculosis treatment is selected.Bed bugs
The appearance of bugs in the house causes serious harm to health. Hepatitis, tuberculosis, anthrax, typhoid fever - this is not a complete list of dangerous diseases that can spread bugs.There are many reasons for the appearance of insects in the house. The sooner a dangerous neighbor is discovered, the easier it is to deal with it. Preventive measures will help significantly reduce the chances of bedbugs entering the home.Mosquitoes
Despite the diversity of mosquito species, which number about 3,000, they are divided into 2 categories: malaria and non-malaria. The latter interfere with sleep with their buzzing, their bites cause itching and cause discomfort. Malaria can spread the malaria virus, in children after their bite, the temperature may rise. The life cycle of a mosquito reaches 3 months. Therefore, if the insect got into the apartment, it is necessary to fight it. Folk methods, means of industrial production allow you to effectively deal with them in apartments, on the street and protect yourself from their appearance in the house.Cockroaches
Very tenacious and adapt quickly, which makes it very difficult to get rid of cockroaches. Reasons for appearance: unsanitary conditions, migration from dysfunctional neighbors. The habitats are very diverse: cracks, baseboards, household appliances, inside furniture, outlets, etc. Cockroaches are not as safe as it might seem at first glance. They are quite capable of damaging foods, indoor plants, books, wallpapers. In addition, they bite and are carriers of worm eggs. The "slipper" method will not save the home from cockroaches, the insect is able to live even without a head. Only comprehensive measures will help clean the apartment of a cockroach colony.Ants
In the dwellings mainly red ants settle. They pose no less danger than cockroaches. In addition, they multiply very quickly. The killing of an ant crawling around the apartment will not bring any result, since only working individuals move in the room. The uterus, which lays eggs, can hide behind baseboards, under parquet, etc. For the destruction of ant colonies, there are folk remedies, chemicals.Flies
Flies cause enormous damage to both animals and humans. These are carriers of a large number of infections, helminth eggs. In the digestive tract of one fly, 28 million bacteria, and on the surface about 6 million different bacteria. Preventive measures and methods of controlling flies are reduced to the destruction of the individuals themselves and the detection of their larvae.Other insects
The number of pests living in apartments and houses is simply huge. A plain moth, capable of creating a shabby little thing from a chic fur coat in a short time. Mokritsa, choosing the wettest places in the house: bathroom and toilet. "Intelligents" leather-eating beetles, eating books and paper bindings. Spiders weaving their nets in the corners. For most insects and arachnids, it does not matter whether the conditions are sanitary or not. Many of them can be found in homes, cleanliness and sterility in which is equivalent to the operating of site