Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

New SanPiN for the prevention of pediculosis

Today, when science and technology move forward by leaps and bounds, new opportunities appear in the treatment and prevention of fatal diseases. The issue of the prevalence of lice in preschool institutions and schools has not yet been removed from the agenda. The new Sanpin for pediculosis of 2016 was adopted.

This regulatory document provides detailed guidance that is needed to provide prophylaxis against the spread of diseases caused by parasites. Joint venture for typhus and head lice and scabies are mandatory throughout the Russian Federation.

Based on SanPiN 3.2.3215-14 as amended by 15 and 16 years, prevention consists of:

  • inspections of the population, which should be carried out according to the approved plan;
  • providing all pre-school organizations (kindergartens and orphanages, orphanages and inpatient organizations that take on the function of providing rest and health for children) an additional set of bed linen, personal hygiene products, as well as necessary detergents and disinfectants;
  • supply of technical equipment for disinfection and disinfectants to organizations involved in the treatment and prevention of sick people, reception and distribution centers, social welfare institutions, prison isolators, night-stay houses, temporary detention centers for migrants, sanitary checkpoints, laundries and bathhouses.
Lice prophylaxis
Lice prophylaxis

Three types of lice can feed on human blood:

  • head licethat live mainly in the hair at the back of the head, crown of the head and temples;
  • body lice, lodging in clothes, bedding, seams, folds and stitches;
  • pubic liceliving in the pubic hair, eyelashes, mustache, eyebrows and armpits.

Signs of parasite infection

In order not to confuse the manifestation of an allergic reaction with the bites of blood-sucking insects, it is necessary to know the signs by which these two phenomena can be distinguished from each other. You can talk about parasites, if lice symptoms:

  • there was an itch and the place of the bite is combed to blood;
  • roughened skin due to the action of saliva during lice bites;
  • skin color has changed due to minor hemorrhages and inflammation;
  • hair with traces of pus gets tangled up, the skin turns into a crust, under which fluid accumulates.
Signs of lice
Signs of lice

The fight against lice ongoing, as it is not only an aesthetic problem. These parasites represent health hazard child, because there may be disease vectors: typhus and relapsing fever, as well as trench fever. Therefore, prevention is necessary.

Inspection Procedure

Sanitary rules for pediculosis suggest periodic examinations of all segments of the population for the presence of parasites. The following are subject to verification:

  • children who attend kindergartens and other educational organizations - monthly;
  • pupils of schools and vocational schools - 4 times a year;
  • students of boarding schools, children in orphanages and orphanages - in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • children who go to summer camps for rehabilitation - before departure;
  • children living in health-improving organizations - once a week;
  • patients admitted to inpatient departments for treatment - during admission and then every week;
  • patients coming to see a doctor - when applying to the hospital;
  • employees of any organizations - during routine medical examinations and preventive examinations;
  • other categories of persons falling under the influence of sanitary standards.

If, during examination, a child with head lice, then it is isolated from other children and sent for processing. A visit to a kindergarten is renewed only after full recovery and with a doctor’s certificate. Inspection for pediculosis in kindergarten by Sanpin is carried out by a medical professional in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia. All data is entered in pediculosis examination log.

During preventive examinations of children in schools, all requirements stipulated by regulatory documents must be observed. Pediculosis in school - This is an unacceptable thing, since a large number of children of different ages communicate very actively and this can quickly lead to massive parasitic infection.

If parasites are found in a student, he, according to Sanpin on pediculosis, is not allowed to attend school until complete cure. End of prevention pediculosis treatment and full recovery should be confirmed by a certificate from a doctor. Only after this, the child can return to the school team.


My child was diagnosed with head lice at school. So far we have failed remove lice from a child, he was not allowed to attend classes. With this I completely agree. I feel guilty that I did not notice pediculosis after the child returned from the recreation camp.

Galina, Kirovograd

Lice therapy
Lice therapy

The pediculosis order sent to schools is an instruction on how a medical professional should act. During communication with the parents of a sick student, the health worker is obliged to give all the necessary recommendations for prevention and treatment:

Disease treatment

There are several methods by which you can get rid of lice: mechanical, physical and chemical. The form of control of parasites depends on their type.

If the infection with insects is not very strong, then you can mechanically comb out lice and nits frequent combing or cutting (shaving) the hair. Hair along with insects and nits is burned.

Against linen lice conduct heat treatment: boil the laundry and iron it with a hot iron. If this is not possible, then things are processed in special disinfection chambers.

The chemical method involves the use of special tools aimed at the prevention and control of parasites. These preparations must be non-toxic and belong to class 4 low-hazard substances. Most effective shampoos, sprays, ointments.


The presence of lice did not pass us by. Lice in a child appeared after visiting the kindergarten, the teacher shared the news. What I just didn’t do: and combed out, and kerosene used. Advised to buy Nyuda remedy. Maybe everything in the complex helped, but we cured pediculosis.

Tatyana, Vladimir

Preventive measures

Pediculosis prevention is the use of comprehensive measures to combat the spread of this disease. The first thing to do to identify infected children or adults is to carefully examine the scalp. If parasites are found, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment in accordance with the decision of the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation. After recovery do not forget about pediculosis prevention.

Preventative measures
Preventative measures

Contact persons are also examined and, in the absence of parasites, are registered for 1 month with mandatory inspections every ten days.

If pubic lice infected are found, they are sent to a skin and venereologic dispensary located in the territory of their residence.

To prevent the uncontrolled spread of parasites, certain hygiene measures are carried out. These measures control insect pollution of the surrounding area and include:

  • obligatory and regular washing of the body;
  • change of linen and bed every 7-10 days;
  • haircut
  • when using hair care only your personal comb;
  • washing clothes, bedding
  • regular cleaning of the house, all rooms and surrounding areas;
  • constant maintenance of cleanliness of all surrounding objects of furnishings.

In an age of tremendous speed, sensational discoveries in medicine, it is very disappointing to recognize the fact that the problem of pediculosis is still relevant in schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and emigration centers. In order to succeed in the prevention of diseases caused by parasites, it is necessary to conduct mass informational events in preschool, school and vocational schools.


I constantly check the child’s head, accustomed him to use only his personal comb and not to pass it on to anyone or take from other children. So far, with such a problem as lice have not encountered

Catherine, Eagle

It is necessary to tell the younger generation about the danger that lies in such seemingly small and harmless insects, how lice are transmitted. To print thematic brochures, information sheets, conduct training activities for prevention, which clearly show how lice look and how they can and should be fought. Only such a widespread offensive in all directions will give a positive and quick result in the fight against this disease, which has come to us since the beginning of the twentieth century and still does not give rest in the twenty-first.

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