Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

What is anti-pediculosis styling?

Appearance lice on the scalp called head lice. The presence of pests on the head is especially problematic. Parasites cause a lot of discomfort, depriving a person of a quiet sleep and rest. But get rid of lice very difficult. To avoid the epidemiological situation, the Ministry of Health issued an order 342 on pediculosis. According to this order, the administration of children's institutions is obliged to order employees to carry out lice prophylaxis in a forced form.

Features of anti-pediculosis styling

Head louse - a parasitic insect that feeds on human blood. During life, the pest lays eggs (nits), which are attached to the hair with a special secret substance. Cause of infection it may become not only non-compliance with hygiene rules, but also contact with a person suffering from head lice. Symptoms of lice infection do not appear immediately. The consequences of the disease can be felt only after 10-15 days.

To prevent the spread of lice in public places, a special treatment is provided, the basis of which will be anti-pedicular styling. This will help to destroy the foci of infection, thereby preventing the spread of the disease.

Anti-pedicular styling is available in various variations. However, in each individual case, the styling composition is a set of products that meets all sanitary standards. It is carried out both for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, if there are signs of pediculosis infection.

Anti-pediculosis styling
Anti-pediculosis styling

Symptoms of Pediculosis

The presence of lice on the human body is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe itching of the skin, provoked lice bites;
  • places of combs can be covered with coarse crusts, as well as contribute to the appearance of dermatitis and eczema;
  • the manifestation of skin pigmentation is possible, its cause is the inflammatory process that occurs on the saliva of parasites;
  • the formation of tangles - purulent-serous waste of pests is the cause of hair tangling;
  • the advanced stage of lice may be accompanied by fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

What is included in the anti-pediculic styling

Laying with pediculosis has the following structure:

  • guidance for the use of styling;
  • a vibrating hair clipper and a tray in which to cut the hair;
  • a bag for storing things infected with pediculosis of a person and a bag for tools used in the processing process;
  • a cap made of polyethylene (kerchief) and a disposable bathrobe;
  • lice killing agent, the formulation of which contains insecticidal components, as well as shampoo;
  • vinegar, cotton wool and alcohol;
  • insecticides intended for processing the premises, and spray;
  • a comb with small teeth and scissors;
  • rubber gloves and oilcloth.

Rules for using styling

Hair Treatment for Lice
Hair Treatment for Lice

Treatment of the hair of a patient infected with pediculosis requires compliance with safety measures:

  1. The person conducting the treatment should wear a medical gown, gloves and an apron.
  2. The patient sitting on a chair is covered with an oilcloth cut.
  3. To prevent a pediculicidal agent from getting into the eyes, the patient should use a towel.
  4. The hair treated with a chemical preparation is covered with a plastic cap, and left in this state for the time specified in the instructions.
  5. After that, the treated ringlets are thoroughly washed with running water using a special shampoo, which is part of a special lice packing, or vinegar solution.
  6. Dry hair is divided into strands and combed out each with a special comb.
  7. Repeated examination of pediculosis. After each such examination procedure, the comb must be treated with alcohol or boiling water.
  8. A chemical agent treats the room.
  9. The patient’s clothes and underwear must be packed in a bag for disinfection, and tools and protective items (a dressing gown, an apron, gloves) that are used during the procedure are placed in the bag.

Due to the fact that the process of getting rid of lice is quite difficult, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of parasites. therefore lice prophylaxis provides for the treatment of each member of the family or team. To obtain the desired result, a repeated hair treatment is necessary, which is performed no earlier than a week later.

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