Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Pediculosis at school - where to go and what to do

What measures parents and the administration should take when pediculosis appears at school - the question will interest everyone who has encountered such a nuisance at least once in their life.

Appearance problem lice in childrenvisiting public places: kindergartens, schools, summer camps, is very acute, despite the fact that outside the window of the 21st century and many parents think that lice - it is a relic of past years or a problem of people without a fixed place of residence, i.e. homeless people. In reality, any person, regardless of lifestyle and living conditions, has a real the ability to catch lice.

Lice and Nits
Lice and Nits

Most often that in class pediculosis and some students are infected, parents learn from the class teacher or accidentally find insects in their child. In such a difficult situation, the question arises: what to do, namely, how to get lice out and what the administration of the educational institution will do, and where to complain if no action is taken.

Where to go when pediculosis is detected at school

At the state level, there are rules adopted by the sanitary-epidemiological service (SES) in each city and which all administrative services of children's educational institutions must adhere to. They indicate that in any children's team, incl. and school, it is forbidden to take children with pediculosis.

When a medical provider or teacher discovers lice during the examination, the first step is to inform the parents of the infected student and implement recommendations on how to treat the child from parasites and indicate how many days he will not be able to attend school.

On a note!

Parents must independently at their own expense remove lice from a child. A student can be admitted to classes only after visiting a doctor and receiving a certificate of permission to admit to a school institution. This is to protect other children from infestation.

Inspection for lice
Inspection for lice

The law establishes a specific procedure for pediculosis in school, which provides for the creation of sanitary conditions for the prevention of the spread of parasites:

  • regular examinations by the nurse or teachers of all students should be carried out, the data are recorded in pediculosis examination log;
  • to prevent children with pediculosis from taking classes, i.e. the answer to the question whether it is possible to go to school with lice is only negative;
  • students who have been ill can start classes only by bringing a certificate from the doctor about the absence of lice and nits.

According to new SanPinexist also preventive measures at schoollegalized by the rules and regulations of SES, which must be carried out in child care facilities: conducting examinations on lice after each vacation and monthly selectively in some classes. Parents are often interested in the question: where to complain if the school has lice. By law, parents are required to notify the school administration, which will solve this problem.

The nurse must notify the SES that will register this case. Then a pediculosis quarantine is carried out at the school, which usually includes an examination every 10 days for a month of all students.

On a note!

Only in cases of mass disease with lice, a school can be closed under strict quarantine, most often for a week. If the administration does not take measures to eliminate the outbreak of pediculosis, then you can file a complaint with the SES or district education departments.

What turns out in practice

Lice in children-1
Lice in children

In fact, the problem of pediculosis is entirely passed on to the shoulders of parents who should fight lice by yourself. Having discovered directly from his child or from other parents that lice appeared at school, each adult should first of all take measures to destroy them and try to protect his student from possible infection from other students in the class.

The sequence of actions to destroy pediculosis (reminder for parents):

  • buy at the pharmacy lice remedy;
  • treat the child's head and hair according to the instructions of this tool;
  • thoroughly wash your hair with ordinary shampoo, in boys in case of emergency, a “zero” haircut is possible;
  • mechanically comb out dead insects and nitsfor which they often use special comb and vinegar solution, then rinse hair with water;
  • wash all personal items and bed linen of all family members;
  • inspect other people living in the house and, if detected, take measures to remove lice;
  • report the situation to the nurse at the school, after which the staff of the educational institution must conduct a set of anti-pedicular measures;
  • carry out several examinations every week and, if detected, repeat the treatment of your child and the whole family until the complete destruction of insects and their eggs.

Preventative measures

Parents should know how to protect themselves from lice at school and with what preventative measures:

  • during a period of mass disease, a child’s head should be examined daily;
  • girls with long hair should wear them in a braid or a safer “bun”;
    Lice Prevention
    Lice Prevention
  • daily comb your hair with your brush and wash your hair regularly;
  • Do not allow your child to play with children who have some symptoms of head lice infection;
  • You can protect yourself from lice and a child with essential oilsrepelling insects: ylang-ylang, tea tree and others prophylactic agents.


You should have a conversation with the child and explain the importance of using only your own things and personal hygiene items to protect yourself from parasites.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Yulia


    1. Lyudmila

      I agree with you ... now faced with such a situation ... once cured ... after 2 weeks, I again picked up from such mothers ...

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