Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Types and varieties of lice

Louse - a small insect parasitizing on the body of an animal or person. In total, there are about five hundred species of parasites in nature, and all of them are species-specific. So the rabbit louse parasitizes on hares and rabbits, the pig lives on the body of pigs and wild boars, the bird lives on birds, the dog, respectively, on the skin of dogs. What types of lice pose a danger to humans, how they differ and how to get rid of them, this article will tell.

What are lice in humans

Only two types of lice are able to parasitize the human body: pubic (Pthirus) and human (Pediculus). They are distinguished not only in appearance, but also in their habitats. Both types of parasites feed exclusively on human blood, so they are not adapted to a different habitat.

On a note!

There is a statement that the following types of human lice exist: head, body and pubic. In reality, lice on a person’s head and clothes are morphotypes. According to laboratory studies, if they are placed together, they may well interbreed and even give offspring. Accordingly, these are the same representatives of the order of lice belonging to the species Pediculus humanus.

A photo of the species of lice that live on the human body is presented below.

Types of Lice
Types of Lice

Head lice

Head lice are most common in humans. The disease they cause is called head lice. Insects affect only the scalp. Sometimes they can move to the chin area, live in the beard and mustache of the stronger sex. Lice are transmitted contact and household methods: with close communication, when using other people's hats or hair care items (combs, hairpins, etc.).

The color of the body of pests is one of their main distinguishing characteristics. Most often, the elongated body of insects is gray-brown in color, it becomes much darker after a meal. That is why parasites are called black. Photo of black lice below.

Black lice
Black lice

Compared with their relatives, the size of the lice that live on a person’s head is larger (up to 4 mm). Males are much smaller than females (2-3 mm). A piercing-sucking type of oral apparatus allows an insect to bite through human skin and feed on its blood.

On a note!

Without food the pest lives no more than a day. The life span of a bloodsucker is about three weeks, during which time the female is able to lay up to 5 eggs (nits) daily. Conducive to breeding lice is a temperature in the range of 23-40 degrees. Fatal to insects below 0 and above 45 degrees.

What is lice and nits, can know a person who, to one degree or another, has already encountered pediculosis. Small (up to 0, 8 mm) eggs of head lice have a light shade, in appearance they are very similar to pearlescent beads. The female firmly attaches them to the hair with the help of a secretive adhesive, usually at a distance of 2 cm from the surface of the skin. Distinguish nits from dandruff it is difficult for an ignorant person. As they mature, the eggs increase in size and acquire a darker color. The larva that is born becomes sexually mature after 5-6 days. What lice and nits look like in the head, demonstrates a photo.

Due to the fact that hair parasites are used to place nits, pests cannot exist on skin that does not have hairline. Therefore, the fastest way to get rid of head lice is a haircut.

Clothes lice

Pay or linen lice have a similar structure and body size. Their main distinguishing feature is white or gray-yellow color. By the name of this type of pests, it is clear that insects live mainly in the clothes or underwear of people, making bites on hairless areas of the body. However, settling in things that a person puts on infrequently, the bloodsucker is waiting for imminent death. That is why the owners body lice most often people of a low social level or tramps, rarely washing clothes.

The longevity of lice is within 1.5 months. During this time, the female is able to give rise to more than one hundred descendants. Very small eggs (up to 0.5 mm) are laid by white lice directly in clothes. The larval development cycle takes about two weeks.

The fight against these parasites is less difficult. It is enough to subject the infected things to boiling and heat treatment with an iron.

Pubic lice

The smallest parasites that live on the human body are pubic lice, which may also be called ploshchits. The body size of an adult of this species does not exceed 2 mm, and larvae do not differ in large sizes (up to 0.5 mm). The life span of insects is 15-30 days. During this time, the female gives life to another 50 larvae. The bloodsuckers fix their eggs on their hair in almost the root zone.

It is not difficult to determine what species an insect belongs to, knowing what color lice are. If we consider the pubic parasites with the naked eye, then their image resembles slightly flat specks of transparent brown color. Varieties of lice in humans are presented below in the photo.

Species of Lice
Species of Lice

On a note!

The habitat of pubic lice is the inguinal zone, they can also be found in the armpits, on the eyebrows and on the eyelashes. Sexual contact and the use of someone else's clothing are the main ways of infection with pubic lice.

Signs of lice of any kind

Knowing the signs of lice and how to deal with them, you can take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

  1. Itching of the skin, resulting in severe scratching. Such damage can contribute to the development of a secondary infection.
  2. The appearance of a rash. A few days from the moment lice bites red spots appear, which subsequently have a bluish tint.
  3. At the site of damage ulcers and boils develop, as well as pigmentation and compaction.
  4. Availability dead nits, living, as well as the lice themselves.

Definition of such symptoms of lice signals the need for urgent measures to eliminate parasites.

Signs of Lice
Signs of Lice

Treatment methods

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a huge assortment of medicines designed to combat a specific type of parasite.

  1. To remove head and pubic lice, you can use shampoos, sprays or ointmentsbased on insecticides. The selected agent is used as described. Then the hair is washed with running water and allowed to dry naturally.
  2. The next stage of the struggle is combing nitswhich is carried out using a special scallop. It differs from the usual comb with small and frequent teeth, the distance between which does not exceed 0.2 mm. For better combing, the hair should be divided into strands.
  3. Washing and heat treatment is necessary to tuck things and bedding of an infected person.
  4. Most often with pediculosis treatment shampoo or spray there is a need for re-treatment of the head. This is explained by pediculicidal agent has an effect mainly on adults. Of the remaining living nits, in a few days new larvae will appear, which will multiply again.

On a note!

To prevent pediculosis from infecting other family members, it is necessary to limit close contact with the patient (hugs, games or kisses). It is also not recommended to wear clothes, a hat, use a towel, comb or hairpins of an infected person. For preventive purposes, a thorough examination and treatment with antiparasitic shampoo of all family members should be carried out.

Lice Control Methods
Lice Control Methods


Particularly popular in fight against head and pubic lice won shampoos. They are practically safe and easy to use. However, an allergic reaction may occur in people with sensitive skin.

Shampoos of the following brands have proven themselves well: VedaNOC HigiaBilsim.

Solutions and creams

Solutions and creams are universal means, as they can destroy any kind of lice. In addition, they are used both for hairline and in areas where hair is missing. So, an excellent remedy for pubic and body lice is Medifox. Get rid of parasites that live on the head, Nittifor lotion or Paranit, cream nyx, benzyl benzoate emulsion, D 95.


Pediculicidal sprays have similar properties. Their advantage is the possibility of a better treatment of the hair.

Sprays are in great demand among consumers. Avalanche, Couple plus, Here.


Get rid of lice it is possible also by a mechanical method, which provides daily combing with a special scallop. Uniqueness of such crests consists in a particularly tight placement of the teeth, which makes it possible to remove adult parasites and large nits. This method is the safest and can be considered as lice treatment for pregnant women. However, for the complete elimination of lice, several procedures will be required.

The most effective are the Robi Comb, AntiV, NitFree combs.

On a note!

Also popular and folk remedies for lice. The safest of them are tar soap or vinegar.

Knowing what a person has lice, why they can appear, and how the spread of the disease can occur, you can avoid such a nuisance.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Karina

    I work in kindergarten and it so happened that I became the owner of lice. It is simply impossible to convey in words what I felt when I discovered parasites. Shampoo did not help much, nits remained. What to do?

    1. Tamara

      Many remedies have no effect on nits. Eggs must be removed by hand, otherwise in time new individuals will appear from them. It is for this purpose that re-processing is carried out.

    2. Oksana

      Vinegar has always been an effective remedy for lice. It is bred in equal amounts with water. A few treatments and the problem you no longer remember. Only after each procedure is combing necessary.

    3. Lily

      Call a specialist on the house who will properly handle you - and it's all over.

  2. Miroslava

    I heard that the use of kerosene and vinegar can result in severe skin burns.

    1. Catherine

      If the skin is too sensitive, then pharmacy products can cause side effects.

    2. Natalya

      As a child, I often brought lice from the camp, and they always treated my head with kerosene. There were no burns. True, hair is then difficult to wash.

  3. Kseniya

    People! In the courtyard of the 21st century, and you are kerosene, vinegar ... More Dichlorvos process. The pharmacy is full of modern drugs.

  4. Olga

    Couple Plus is a great tool!

    1. Andrew

      Spray Paranit helps well.

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