Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Why does the head itch after removing lice

Lice cause severe itching, spoil hair, interfere with communication with other people, tolerate diseases: Volyn fever, typhus, etc. Unpleasant sensations on the head can persist for a long time, even if the insects do not already live there. It is not clear to many why the head itches after the removal of lice.

Symptoms of Lice

The skin begins to itch, and spots appear on the body. Some people think they are allergic and take antihistamines. But the unpleasant sensations on the skin continue to bother. The cause of the rash and discomfort can be a tiny parasite - head louse, pubic area or cootie.

Symptoms of Pediculosis the following:

  1. The appearance of blue spots in the groin or on the body.
  2. Itching of the occipital and temporal region of the scalp, which intensifies at night and after water procedures.
  3. The appearance of white grains at the base of the hair.
  4. The presence of small insects on the head, in the armpits, in the groin, on clothes.
Itchy head
Itchy head

Most of all, a child suffers from pests. The disease progresses rapidly and even after treatment for lice, the skin does not stop itching. Unpleasant sensations can cause unhealed wounds from lice bites or insect repellents.

On a note!

Pediculosis Remedies can cause allergies or burns. Therefore, if a burning sensation occurs on the skin during processing, the drug should be washed off immediately.

Why does the head itch

Curls are treated with shampoo from parasites, lice are not visible, but you still want to scratch your scalp. The reasons why lice were removed, and the head itches a few:

  1. Unhealed wounds cause discomfort for 2-3 days. This period needs to be endured. The less often you touch the bite marks, the faster they will pass.
  2. The psychological factor. Man is used to insects living in his hair. After removing them for about two days, the sensations persist that the head is itching from nits and lice.
  3. New insects. You can not treat the head with the drug once. In a week, new lice will appear from the remaining eggs. If the skin began to itch two weeks after treatment, then it is worth checking the hair again.
  4. Allergy. Most pharmaceuticals can cause itching and redness. Before you begin to remove parasites, it is worth passing a test. Apply a little on your wrist or bend your elbow, rinse off after an hour and wait a day. If the place does not turn red, then treatment can begin.

On a note!

Folk recipes for pediculosis also capable of causing discomfort. Therefore, before you start treating hair from lice, you should consult your doctor.

How to get rid of discomfort

Folk remedies for itching
Folk remedies for itching

You poisoned the lice, but discomfort persists: the head itches and bakes, nits remain on the hair. This is normal. Itching can persist for up to three days, but you can alleviate your condition:

  1. Once a day, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile and a string. For its preparation, two tablespoons of herbs are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and kept on fire for 2 minutes. Then the collection is removed from the stove and insist 30 minutes. The tool will accelerate the healing of wounds and soothe the scalp.
  2. Make a mask of oatmeal. Half a glass of Hercules is poured into a glass of boiling water and stirred. The mixture is applied to the hair and washed off after 15 minutes with warm water. Some flakes may remain on the head, so the curls should be carefully combed with a thick comb.
  3. Rinse hair with tea tree oil. 4 drops of oil are taken per half liter of warm water. Before use, an allergy test should be done.

Few get rid of liceshould yet kill nits. Then the itch will no longer return. To do this, after etching insects, it is necessary to comb wet hair lice comb. The procedure is repeated four times a day.

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