Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Dr. Komarovsky's advice on pediculosis

Komarovsky’s advice on treating lice in children helps to identify a problem in a timely manner, to choose an effective remedy, get rid of head lice quickly. Many parents mistakenly believe that if they take good care of their child, no lice is threatened. Risk of infection lice not so much depends on non-compliance with personal hygiene, but on the low immunity of the child. All children are at risk.

Simple way of infection

Topic head lice It is not negotiated by mommies face to face, but is actively discussed on forums on the Internet. This suggests that the problem exists, danger lies in wait at every step, only they try to keep silent about all this. Komarovsky’s school explains how elementary lice are transmitted in public between children.

Komarovsky gives a simple example. Head louse able to move at a speed of 35 cm per minute. For 1 school lesson lasting 45 minutes. the parasite examines the entire territory of the class. The answer to the question of where lice come from in a person’s head becomes obvious.

A louse can hide in a headdress, a hood in outer clothing. Once on a hanger with clothes of other children, the parasite begins to travel. The child, having put on his coat, where the louse hid, gets an infection with head lice.

Komarovsky on pediculosis
Komarovsky on pediculosis


To prevent infection, things must be hung correctly. Komarovsky suggests hiding the cap in the sleeve, twisting the coat, jacket on the wrong side. A louse cannot move on a smooth surface. Attracted by the edge of the hood, wool, rough fabric.

The second way - combs, hairpins. The fastest way to get lice. An adult louse begins to lay eggs within 30 minutes after a healthy person hits the head.

The danger of lice

Dr. Komarovsky talks about pediculosis as an ordinary parasitic disease. The parasite feeds on human blood with an enviable regularity - 1 time in 2-3 hours. The process lasts about 40 minutes, but the minimum amount is drunk. Large blood loss is excluded.


On the head of a person can live from 10 to 20 individuals. The rest are forced to leave their previous habitats - they move to another head, crawl onto things, pillows. In the absence of power lice die outside the human body within 2 days. Only the strongest survive.

Why are lice dangerous?so this is what they are disease vectors. There is a disease that is transmitted exclusively by head lice - typhus. Feeding on human blood, the parasite does not transmit the infection. But, being crushed, the infectious blood of an insect enters the wounds on the scalp. So there is an infection with a terrible disease.

How to prevent lice

Komarovsky’s advice on pediculosis, its prevention comes down to frequent examinations of the child. Once a month, you need to check your head in a well-lit place using a magnifying glass. Pay special attention to the temples, nape, forehead. Nits can be located at a distance of 1 to 5 cm from the roots of the hair. To understand what lice and nits look like in hairworth a look at the photo.

On a note!

Lice are difficult to detect, because they are extremely small - up to 4 mm, move quickly, merge with blond hair in tone. It is necessary to pay attention to eggs - nits.They remain on the hair even after the emergence of larvae in the light.

Prevention of lice consists in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, elementary rules of behavior in society, the team.

Lice therapy

Lice Treatment
Lice Treatment

Difficulty elimination of lice lies in their rapid breedingdense shell nits. None of the highly effective agents can penetrate the lice larva in the egg. After a strong attack with insecticides, parasites continue to fully develop.

Komarovsky's advice on the treatment of lice and nits:

  • The mechanical method, which consists in the selection of parasites from the head, is ineffective for the reason that it is impossible to remove all nits. If at least 1 larva remains, the situation will be repeated within 20 days. They resort to it only if other means of pediculosis are unavailable. Treat lice will take much longer.
  • A short haircut will not give a positive effect. If the struggle is conducted by this method - you need to cut the hair completely.
  • Destroy lice, nymphs can be any special pharmacy pediculicidal drug: pediatric anti-pediculosis shampoo, spray, ointment in 10 minutes. Such a statement is made by Komarovsky. But the main task is destroy nits. They are removed from the hair by combing a comb with small cloves.

On a note!

To the process of combing nits was more effective, initially wet hair vinegarput on a plastic bag, leave for 20 minutes. Vinegar does not kill eggs, but destroys the sticky substance with which parasites are attached to the hair. After the procedure, rinse with warm water.

The doctor Komarovsky emphasizes that in all civilized countries the treatment of pediculosis involves 2-3 treatments with a frequency of 7 days. If after 1 treatment nit remains, after 7 days a nymph will come out of it. Reprocessing with special shampoo will kill the living creature, making it impossible to reproduce new offspring. The efficiency of double processing is 99%, triple - 100%.

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