Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

How and with what to remove lice in children

With the advent of lice almost every person has encountered in his life. Many people believe pediculosis attribute of low-income families. However, such a problem can occur in everyone who happens to be in public places. Especially often, such a nuisance is encountered by children attending children's groups. What to do in such a situation and how to remove lice from a child, you will learn from this article.

What does the parasite look like and signs of its presence

Every parent who has discovered lice in a child should understand that they will not disappear on their own. It is necessary to begin a focused pest control. And the faster this is done, the less suffering the baby will suffer, and the risk of infection of the people around him will be minimized. However, first you need to make sure that really lice have settled in the child’s hair.

Head louse - a parasite whose elongated body is not more than 3 mm. Often there are insects of white or dirty gray color. They are not able to jump or fly. Bloodsuckers can live only in the human hairline. Signs of Lice the following:

  • Constant itching - it especially occurs in places of bites. This contributes to sleep disturbance, the occurrence of allergic reactions, as well as an increase in lymph nodes in the ears and neck.
  • Swelling in places lice bitesaccompanied by redness.
  • The presence in the hair of eggs (nits), which look like tiny shiny grains. The female firmly attaches them to the hair rods with an adhesive substance at a distance of up to 2 cm from the skin.
  • With a thorough inspection you can see lice and nits in hair.

For pediculosis infection, a healthy child is enough to get only one individual on his head. After all parasites breed with very high speed. Therefore, upon detection of the above symptoms, it is urgent to conduct a thorough examination of the child's head. Below you can see how pediculosis in children looks in the photo.

Causes of Lice

Pediculosis may spread:

  • Contact method - a massive infection with lice in children's groups is very often observed due to close communication between the children in the circle of their peers. Collective games contribute to this: bending over something fascinating, the children touch their heads. As a result, there is a direct transmission of parasites - they easily crawl to the "new object".
  • A household way is the exchange of things, the use of other people's hair care accessories. Children can easily exchange hats, combs, hairpins or elastic bands. Any of these items can cause a healthy baby to become infected.

On a note!

There are many different versions, where do lice come from. However, it is not worth believing that bloodsuckers can move from an animal or arise from under the skin. Such opinions are erroneous - parasites are not adapted to another habitat.

In this photo you can see how lice look in children close-up.

Symptoms of Pediculosis
Symptoms of Pediculosis

Methods of struggle

How and with what to remove lice from children, such a question is puzzled by those parents who once discovered signs of the presence of insects in their offspring.After all, the presence of parasites in the head of a child is also fraught with the possibility of infection of other family members. There are two methods for treating pediculosis in children - it is mechanical and chemical.

Mechanical impact

The mechanical way to control pests is the safest for the child. It is a combing out of lice. special comb, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The uniqueness of this comb lies in the frequent arrangement of cloves (the distance between them does not exceed 0.2 mm), which makes it possible to comb out adults. It is not always possible to remove the firmly attached nits with a comb not always.

On a note!

After each procedures for combing nits it is necessary to treat the comb with alcohol or vinegar, as well as wipe with a piece of white cloth or a paper towel. To get rid of liceIt is necessary to carry out daily procedures for 30 days.

However, a more radical and reliable way that will quickly remove lice from a child is a haircut. To completely remove parasites, just shave baldly. The disadvantage of this method is that only representatives of the stronger sex can use it. Finding a girl who agrees to say goodbye to her hair is very difficult.

Chemical exposure

Treatment for lice in children
Treatment for lice in children

With excessive accumulation of parasites without chemical effective drugs for lice not enough.


A simple method of application is the main advantage pediculicidal shampoos. They include permethrin, an insecticidal component that has a neuroparalytic effect on the bloodsucker. Such detergents have a pleasant aroma and foam well. Shampoo is applied to the baby's head, rubbing with massage movements. After the time specified in the instructions, the foam is washed off with running water. To obtain an effective result, it is necessary to re-process after 7 days.

It is good to use pediculicidal shampoos for preventive purposes, especially during epidemiological outbreaks of the disease. If even a single individual suddenly falls on the baby’s head, it will die before it can breed.

On a note!

The only drawback of antiparasitic shampoos is the possibility of an allergic reaction in the child to the components that make up the product. Many parents prefer shampoos of the following brands: Biosim, Pedilin, Veda, Higia, Avalanche or NOC.


Shampoo Biosim helped us more than once when the son brought lice from school. All that was needed was one treatment to get rid of the parasites.

Elena, Kursk


Another way pediculosis treatment are lice sprays. Given the fact that some aerosols lack insecticides, they have a fairly effective result and economical consumption. An example of this could be Aerosol Steam Plus. The drug is recommended for use by children from 1 year. Means are sprayed with hair along the entire length, washed off after 10 minutes.

Sprays Paranit, Lavinal, Pediculen Ultra, have proven themselves well Here, Full marx.


Used spray Paranit Sensitive to destroy lice from his daughter. The tool is really effective against parasites. Its only drawback is that it is poorly washed off.

Kristina, Sevastopol


Like shampoos are pediculicidal ointmentscreams. They also contain insecticides that are harmful to parasites. When applied to the surface of the head, the product is carefully rubbed into the skin. The duration of the drug varies depending on the level of infection and the baby's age (on average, it is 20-40 minutes). The products of the following companies are in great demand among consumers: Medifox, Paranit, Nittifor, cream nyx.


Nyx Cream helped get rid of lice.The instructions indicate that the drug has many side effects. He did not call anything for my child, but the result was impressive.

Alina. Krasnoyarsk

Folk remedies

Folk methods
Folk methods

Particular care should be taken when using folk remedies.

  1. Serious irritation and burns can result. use of kerosene from lice. To avoid this, it is necessary to mix the product with corn or sunflower oil in a proportion of 1:10. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the head of a child, after which it is covered with a plastic bag and insulated with a towel. After 5-6 hours, the product is washed off using baby soap. When the hair is dry, it must be combed out with a special comb. Referring to numerous reviews, kerosene is very effective, but also quite dangerous. And besides, it is very difficult to bring hair back to its original form after its application.
  2. Possesses similar properties vinegar. For rubbing it is used in combination with water (both components are taken in equal amounts). The resulting solution is used to treat the baby's hair with a cotton swab. After 10 minutes, they are washed with running water.
    Vinegar is also used to rinse the head. To do this, it is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10. Hair is washed with this solution daily for 3-5 days. After all these procedures, it is necessary to carry out combing.
  3. Cranberries have excellent antiparasitic properties. This method is good for removing lice from long hair. Fresh berries are ground, and the resulting mass is applied to the entire length and roots of the hair. Then they are wrapped in a plastic bag, and on top of a towel. In this condition, spend at least 3 hours. Then the hair is thoroughly washed and combed out with a comb, getting rid of dead lice and nits.
    Similarly, lice can be removed from hair with lemon or pomegranate juice, due to the content of acids in them.
  4. Needles are another folk remedy for lice. Having prepared a decoction of coniferous branches, they rinse their hair and wrap them with a towel. Such a “greenhouse” for parasites is done at night. In the morning, the head is washed with clean water and the dead insects are combed out.
  5. It also gives a good effect against lice. hellebore water. However, this remedy is very toxic, therefore, when ingested, it can cause negative consequences. The product is treated with hair. Wrapping them in a bag and towel, leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water using baby shampoo. The procedure ends with combing out the parasites.
  6. A good preventive measure against lice is a decoction of tansy and oak bark. The dry ingredients are boiled for half an hour, cooled and treated with herbal concentrate hair. No less effective and tar soap.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid the spread of head lice among family members of an infected child, a daily change of bed and underwear, as well as apartment processinghair care items.

To prevent re-infection of the child with lice, it is necessary to prevent the use of other people's hats, combs, hairpins or pillows. The child should be aware of the consequences of such actions. In addition, regular inspection of the baby's hairline will help, if necessary, to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

During mass lice epidemics it is necessary to apply prophylactic agents. After all, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Svetlana

    My daughter found lice, I don’t know how to get it out. Shampoo does not help.

    1. Glory

      I used in my time vinegar essence. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Start treatment with the roots, and then blot the entire hair with a cotton swab. Under the bag and towel for 30 minutes, then rinse and comb out with a comb of dead lice.

    2. Yulia

      And I am always saved as an old-fashioned kerosene.

      1. Olga

        Kerosene is a rather dangerous remedy. Moreover, if the child needs to remove lice. The pharmacy has a lot of antiparasitic drugs.

  2. Svetlana

    Chigia shampoo did not help us.

    1. Catherine

      Anti-lice shampoo is best used in the early stages of pediculosis infection. In addition, the treatment should be repeated after 7 days, and if necessary, even twice. If this is not done, then the larvae emerging from the surviving nits will continue the breeding process.

    2. Natalya

      A couple plus is a great tool. Carry out processing according to the instructions.

    3. Nikolay

      Or you can just cut your hair.

      1. Svetlana

        A girl cannot lose hair.

  3. Olesya

    Hellebore water to help you.

  4. Anna

    Helper water helps, better than D95, which is unable to remove lice and eggs.

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