Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

How to quickly remove lice and nits at home

The problem of how to get rid of lice and nits has always been relevant. Parasites have been adjacent to humans for 80,000 years and so far they have not been able to completely exterminate their population. Where do lice come from - there are many options: they can be infected about when in contact with the carrier, sharing things, in crowded places. Therefore, completely eliminate the possibility of infection head lice - a state of lice, not a single person can, unless he is completely isolated from the outside world. According to WHO statistics, 33% of the population at least once in their life were susceptible to infection lice.

Classification of Lice

Human lice are divided into three types: head, pubic and clothes. The latter live on a person’s clothes, feed on his blood and lay eggs in folds of linen, at the seams of fabrics. To fight with linen liceliving on things is not difficult. Enough banal hygiene and clothing processing.

Types of Lice
Types of Lice

Significantly more trouble is lice in a person’s head. Insects are not characterized by long life cyclebut very breed fast. Adults are small and barely reach 3-4 mm. The color of a nondescript body is grayish; after saturation, it becomes a red color. They feed up to 3-4 times a day, young larvae are more gluttonous - they make up to 8 meals per day. A photo of lice in the hair is presented below.

Life expectancy of lice is 35-45 days. During this time, the female manages to lay up to 200 eggs. The daily norm is 5-8 pieces, which she fixes with an adhesive substance to the base of the hair. Nits resembles a tiny transparent capsule with a lid measuring only 1 mm. How lice and nits look in hair - The sight is quite unpleasant. Under optimal conditions, a larva crawls out from the nits after 7-10 days, which is distinguished from adults only by its size. After three links, she turns into a sexually mature insect, for this she needs 6-10 days.

The minimum developmental period from egg to imago is 13 days.

Lice and Nits
Lice and Nits

On a note!

It is not worth it to console oneself with hopes that lice voluntarily leave their homes. Parasites do this only in one case - when the body temperature drops to 20 ° C, which happens only in case of death.

You can’t leave the situation to chance. Head lice are blood-sucking insects, therefore lice is dangerous: the probability of contracting infectious diseases, decreased concentration, the appearance of all kinds of phobias and other negative consequences.

Lice bites manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of red swelling;
  • severe itching;
  • blue spots on the site of bites;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability.

Lice treatment may be administered under medical supervision. But most often people are embarrassed by this problem and prefer to poison lice at home.

Methods for controlling lice and nits

The most radical way to quickly remove lice and nits at home is to cut your hair bald.The advantage of the method is its rapid effect - in 1 day you can forget about parasites. But not every man is ready to say goodbye to hair, and what can we say about the fair sex.

To get rid of lice and nits, it is not necessary to sacrifice hair. For this there is folk remedies and pharmaceuticals. Whatever lice remedy has not been selected, it is important to understand that most of them do not have a detrimental effect on nits, therefore, after 7 days, repeated hair treatment may be required. Regardless of the choice of drug, the procedure is the same:

  • the product is applied to locks of hair, the root zone;
  • put on a plastic hat;

    Plastic bag
    Plastic bag
  • exposure is maintained according to the recommendations specified in the instructions or folk recipe;
  • rinse off the drug with plenty of water;
  • by means of a ridge with a small step it is necessary to remove dry nitsdead adults; the duration of the stage is approximately 30-40 minutes, on long hair combing nits takes about an hour;

    Combing lice and nits
    Combing lice and nits
  • Acetic solution will help to quickly remove nits from the hair, which is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water; to level the pungent smell of acid, you can add lemon juice to the mixture, tea tree essential oil.

On a note!

In addition to hygiene procedures and mechanical removal of parasites should be carried out apartment sanitation, wash all pillowcases, bedding, hats at temperatures above 50 ° C. If this is not possible, treat it with a steam generator, freeze it or hang it on the street, balcony for 2 weeks. During the treatment of pediculosis, it is advisable to change pillowcases every day. Hairbrushes, hairpins, attributes to create hairstyles need processing.


Going on a date with a girl, I noticed dandruff in my hair, which I never had. This fact surprised me very much, and I began to carefully examine the scalp. With accidental pressure I heard a characteristic crunch, which greatly guarded me. Armed with a magnifying glass and was horrified to find crawling small insects. Compared with photos on the Internet, it turned out to be lice. I could not miss an important date for me, and even appear before the girl as a “lousy knight” with symptoms of lice did not want. Therefore, the only way to permanently get rid of head lice in 1 day was to shave the head at zero, which I did. And the girl even liked my new image.

Alexey, Tambov

How to remove lice in children

With a child, lice can be removed in the same ways as in adults. When choosing a drug should pay attention to age restrictions. In case of pediculosis infection in young children 1-2 years old, they are most often trimmed baldly so as not to expose them to painful, tedious procedures.

Treatment of lice in children is recommended to be carried out with pharmaceutical preparations without the content of chemical components. With extreme caution, one should approach the choice of funds if the child has bronchial asthma, allergies.


When in the kindergarten they said that a child has lice, confused, because the house also has a daughter of 1.5 years. The son got a spray of Nyuda, he patiently sat out the prescribed time and while combing the nits. The baby was not subjected to execution. Hair is a matter of gain, and remove lice in a child were afraid of chemistry.


Pharmaceutical preparations according to their effects are divided into 2 types: blocking the work of the nervous system of the parasite and depriving them of air and moisture. Choosing a remedy, how to remove lice, it is worth paying attention to the mark "ovicidal action". Such drugs can destroy not only adults, but also nits. In pharmacies, pediculicidal drugs in various forms are presented: shampoos, sprays, ointmentsemulsions.

On a note!

Before poisoning lice, the selected drug must be tested for the possibility of allergic reactions.To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to a small area of ​​the skin, washed off after 10 minutes and a reaction of the skin is observed within a few hours.

Shampoos against lice

Shampoos against lice and nits are easy to use, do not require prolonged exposure to the hair and give a good result:

  • Sumitrin - an insecticidal drug based on pyrethroids. Approved for use from 2 years of age. It is applied to the scalp and wet hair for 10 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rubbed and washed off with plenty of water. To speed up the disposal of lice and nits, after the procedure, it is necessary to comb out the killed parasites and eggs. Repeated treatment in case of severe infection can be carried out after 24 hours. For preventive purposes, used once every two weeks.
  • Veda - age restrictions up to 5 years. The active ingredient is permethrin. Effective against adults and larvae of all types of human lice. For the destruction of nits, re-treatment is necessary, which is carried out no earlier than a week later.

    Shampoo Veda-2
    Shampoo Veda-2
  • NOC - Shampoo helps to cure head lice in 1-2 treatments. It is contraindicated in children under 2.5 years of age, as well as in people who do not tolerate permethrin. One of the few that is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. The product is applied liberally to the hair and aged from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the degree of infection.
  • Paranit - the drug dehydrates and leads to strangulation of lice, nits. A distinctive feature is the absence of insecticides. The basis is Clearol mineral oils. Included lice comb. Depending on the hair length, one bottle is enough for 4-8 treatments. Do not use for children under 3 years old, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

    Shampoo Paranit
    Shampoo Paranit
  • Pedilin - Malathion-based shampoo. The only contraindications: age up to 2 years, individual intolerance to the components. It has a pungent odor. According to manufacturers, it helps to eradicate lice at all stages of development.

Antiparasitic shampoos can also be used to treat combs.


While my daughter was being treated for flu, her friend called and said she was being examined at school revealed lice in girls. I immediately began to examine my daughter’s head and, to my horror, I found parasites in her. I bought Paranit shampoo at the pharmacy. We did everything as in the instructions. Applied to the hair, aged, washed with vinegar. Conveniently, there was a comb in the kit to remove dead nits. One treatment was enough to destroy the lice, but just in case, a week later they used shampoo again.

Larisa, Petropavlovka

Sprays against lice and nits

Sprays are the same cure for parasites as shampoos. The main difference is the application method. You should not count on a quick result, since with a rare exception, the funds do not have a damaging effect on nits:

  • Pediculen Ultra - anti-pediculosis agent for the destruction of lice and nits. If you follow the instructions and carefully comb out, you can get rid of parasites in one procedure. Do not use for pregnant, lactating women, children under 5 years old.

    Pediculen Ultra
    Pediculen Ultra
  • Couple plus - aerosol combined preparation. Due to the content of several active substances, insects do not develop resistance. Age restrictions - 2.5 years.

    Aerosol Steam Plus
    Aerosol Steam Plus
  • Liceguard - a safe remedy for the prevention of head lice. Keeps repelling properties for 24 hours.

    LiceGuard Spray
    LiceGuard Spray
  • Here - the composition of the product includes substances that envelop the parasite, which leads to suffocation and death. On the hair is aged for 45 minutes. Because of the oily base, you have to wash your hair after the procedure several times.
Means Nyuda
Means Nyuda


Daughters of lice were taken means Paranit Sensitive. The only thing that after the procedure was washed my hair with vinegar to remove nits from long hair, my daughter had a braid to the waist. It took a long time to comb out, but the result was pleased. Get rid of parasites at a time.

Julia, Poddubnoe

The following drugs are also popular:

Folk recipes

Folk remedies for lice and nits have been used since ancient times. Some of them, such as kerosene, Dichlorvos, can not be called safe, but they are still very popular. The second position in the ranking of dangerous and original means is hellebore water, hydrogen peroxide, hair fixation spray. However, there are folk recipes that deserve attention.

Tar soap for lice

Tar soap and shampoo replaced dust soap, which was banned for production due to the fact that toxic components tend to accumulate in the epidermis layer. Tar soap is characterized by a specific pungent odor. According to studies, it is effective against adult forms of parasites, but is useless for the destruction of nits. However, most of the pharmacy drugs also have these drawbacks. But not everyone can boast such a low price as tar soap.


How to use the product at home:

  • grate the soap and pour water at room temperature to get a thick mixture;
  • apply to hair, root zone, cover with a plastic cap and leave for 40 minutes;
  • rinse thoroughly with water and vinegar;
  • comb out dead insects and nits;
  • if necessary, repeat the treatment after 7 days.

On a note!

It is not recommended to use tar soap for owners of dry skin, as the product greatly dries the skin.


The son walks with children from an incomplete family and periodically brings parasites. I can’t forbid him to play with the guys, just because their parents do not pay due attention to the hygiene of their children. How many have not tried different means, but still can not get rid of lice completely. Apparently because the source of infection is always nearby. Recently acquired tar soap and did not even expect from him such a terrific effect. After the procedure, the dead individuals spilled out directly and the nits were combed out easily. Now I will constantly bathe my son with him for lice prevention.

Marina, Chertkovo

Vinegar Against Lice

Lice Vinegar
Lice Vinegar

Vinegar it breaks down the sticky substance that secures the nits to the base of the hair, and also kills adults. All types of seasoning are suitable for breeding insects: wine, apple, grape, table. How to get rid of lice with vinegar:

  • prepare a solution of two parts of water and one part of vinegar 9%;
  • the mixture is wetted by the hair, avoiding skin contact;
  • cover the hair with polyethylene so that the mixture does not evaporate;
  • withstand 30-60 minutes;
  • comb hair with a small comb;
  • wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Herbal medicine against lice

Grass from lice is an ineffective remedy that has a deterrent effect. But given that the parasites have nowhere to escape, there is no reason to rely on any effect from the use of herbal preparations and tinctures. Greater results can be achieved using essential oils.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Vasiliy

    In childhood, my mother treated the head with kerosene from lice. The smell is unpleasant, but the result was instant.

    1. Alice

      Previously, there were not so many drugs for lice, so they used kerosene from despair.

  2. Marina

    I don’t understand why to use folk recipes when there are so many shampoos, sprays against lice and nits.

    1. Victoria

      I think that some people are embarrassed to buy anti-pedicidal drugs, and here they are poisoned with Dichlorvos, vinegar.

  3. Arseny

    This incomprehensible shyness, the shame that lice appeared, prevent people from effectively and safely fighting parasites. Although I do not understand why people with pediculosis are always looked at as if they had committed a brutal crime. No one is to blame for accidentally finding himself in a trolley bus next to an infected person. Attitude to pediculosis should be the same as to flu, colds. Only in one case, the disease indulges in airborne droplets, and in the other “creeps” from one person to another.

  4. Alia

    Daughter bought a pair of Plus Plus spray. Very effective remedy. Get rid of lice in 3 days.

  5. Michael

    My wife works in a boarding school, and everything happens there. Therefore, I bought myself a LiceGuard product and is now not afraid to get lice from pupils.

  6. Olga

    When the son from the camp returned with insects in his head, they bought Veda 2 shampoo. They treated the son's head and at the same time, for prevention. A “lousy" epidemic was avoided.

  7. Semen Petrovich

    When he was a child, our mother did not poison us with anything, but immediately shaved bald. You can understand her, she had five of us, and in order to comb out the nits, everyone would have to stand for days.

  8. Oleg

    I also think how to torture a child with procedures, it is better to shave and deal with the end.

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