Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

How to get rid of nits and lice in the head of a child

Lice settle equally on dirty and clean hair. Therefore, it cannot be argued that pediculosis - This disease is dirty. Parasites can even be found on someone who washes their hair twice a day. Children more often than adults suffer from this scourge, and you need to know how to get rid of lice and nits in a child correctly. After all, not all drugs, because of their toxicity, can be used to treat babies.

Pediculosis treatment at home

Parents try to cope with nits and lice. folk recipes. These methods are less toxic, but can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, you should always do a test before starting treatment.

The medicine is applied to the bend of the elbow, kept for about half an hour, and then washed off. If a day has passed, but there has been no negative reaction, then the drug can be used on the hair.

On a note!

Ask the child to report if the selected remedy begins to burn the scalp. In this case, the drug should be washed off immediately.


Effective parasite kerosene agent used by our grandmothers. With it, you can remove lice and get rid of nits in the head of a child. It acts comprehensively:

  • repels insects with an unpleasant odor;
  • poisons adult individuals and larvae;
  • weakens the attachment of nits;
  • disinfects clothes.

On a note!

The substance for children in their pure form is not recommended. It can cause severe burns.

You can get rid of pediculosis in children with the help of such formulations:

  1. Kerosene, shampoo and sunflower oil are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. The product treats the scalp, wrap with a film and hold for at least 15 minutes. If the composition does not cause burning, then you can leave it for an hour. Processing is repeated after a week.
  2. Take three tablespoons of honey and warm water. Add there a tablespoon of kerosene and 1.5 tablespoons of baby shampoo. The composition is applied to the hair and kept for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily until all disappear. head lice and their nits.
  3. One hundred grams of milk is mixed with three tablespoons of kerosene and badger fat. The mixture is kept on the scalp under the film for about an hour. Re-treatment is carried out after a week.

Head lice in children are cleaned with technical kerosene. It acts softer than aviation and is free from extraneous additives.


The product dissolves the substance by which nits are attached to the hair shaft and weakens adults. It is not capable of completely killing insects. But still vinegar for lice actively used when they want to get rid of parasites at home. The following recipes for formulations of lice based on vinegar essence:

  1. The classic recipe. One tablespoon of the product is mixed with 100 ml of warm water. The mixture is applied with a sponge to dry hair. Head wrapped in a bag and a bath towel. After an hour, the curls are washed with shampoo and comb out the nits special scallop.
  2. Recipe with apple cider vinegar. Take a glass of warm water and 130 ml of the substance. The hair treated with the solution is hidden under a plastic cap and left overnight. In the morning, the mixture should be washed off, and comb out weakened insects with a comb.
  3. Mask with an egg.A raw egg, 1 teaspoon of mustard and 100 ml of vinegar are mixed. The composition is kept on the head for three hours. If the skin began to bake, then the mixture is washed off earlier. After this, combing the pests and their eggs.


Vinegar is not able to cure pediculosis. It is used as an adjuvant.

Tar soap

Birch tar can save a child from lice, but using it in its pure form will lead to severe burns. Help get rid of parasites tar soapthat contains the substance in safe proportions.

A solid soap should be taken with a saturation of tar in it of at least 10%. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The product is treated with wet hair and kept on the head for half an hour. During this time, adults and nymphs die, and nits weaken the mount.

In order for the tool to help, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • processing is carried out daily;
  • after washing off the foam, comb the hair with a special comb;
  • treatment is carried out for two weeks.

You can not use this method in children whose age is less than three years. Tar soap can dry out delicate skin, cause a burn or an allergic reaction.

Pharmacy treatment

Pediculosis drugs
Pediculosis drugs

Medicines are prescribed for children when the disease has passed into an advanced stage. In this case, a pediatrician will tell you how to treat a child for lice and nits.

On a note!

Preparations containing insecticides are not used for children whose age is less than five years.

Pharmaceutical products for lice may cause:

  • dermatitis;
  • itching
  • dandruff;
  • burn.

Even an adult can experience an allergic reaction to a toxic substance. The child’s body always reacts more strongly to chemicals. Therefore, lice in a child are treated shampoos and ointments with a minimum amount of harmful substances in its composition.

The doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Foxilon Lotion. Destroys lice and nits in one use, but can cause severe allergies.
  2. Shampoo Contains natural ingredients. Softens the shell of nits. It is used in combination with other drugs.
  3. Nyuda spray. The active substance is dimethicone. The drug is non-toxic, so it is ideal for use on children's hair.
  4. Means Paranit. Causes strangulation of adults and nymphs, but does not affect nits. Therefore, another treatment will be required in a week.
  5. Cream nix. You should strictly follow the instructions, because the product can cause burns and damage hair.
  6. Spray Couple Plus It is applied since 2,5 years.
  7. Medifox for children about a year.
  8. Shampoo Veda recommended for use from 5 years.
  9. Shampoo and spray Lavinal - contraindication is the age of up to 2 years.
  10. Shampoo Chigiya for children over 5 years old.
  11. Means Full Marx.

Before the start pediculosis treatment should consult a doctor. The medic will choose an effective remedy that does not harm the fragile body.

How to get rid of lice and nits in one day

Nits and lice can be removed safely and in one day. This will require sacrificing the hair of the child. Cutting the baby “to zero” is the fastest, safest and easiest way to get rid of insects. It has no contraindications.

Our ancestors, as soon as the child was one year old, shaved his hair. This is no coincidence. So they brought lice to the baby.

Now mothers cherish the locks of their daughters and do not want fight parasites in such a radical way. But sometimes there is no choice. If the child is too small or the lice have time to multiply, it is better not to use chemicals, but to make a haircut. This rule will protect even one-year-old crumbs from dermatitis and allergies.

Lice Control
Lice Control

The mechanical way to get rid of lice

Lice Combs save hair from dead insects and their nits after treatment with an antiparasitic agent. But if the infection with lice is not strong, then with the help of a comb you can be treated for head lice.

This tool is good in that it allows you to get rid of nits on long hair.Daughter's hair does not have to be cut short.

Scallops of several companies are sold on the market:

  • Nit free;
  • Robi Comb;
  • LiceGuard.

The comb of Robi Comb is interesting in that it not only combes out lice, but also kills live insects with an electric discharge. But the device comb out nits badly.

This method of excretion has no contraindications. If the child is 2 years old, and his hair is long and thick, then they can simply be combed out. The only drawback is that the procedure takes a lot of time.

It should be carried out 4 times a day, at least five consecutive days. Combing nits and parasites is best done on a dark sheet of paper. So it will be easy to see the fallen insects.

Preventive measures after elimination of lice

When you managed to get rid of insects, you should take care of pediculosis preventionbecause the little man doesn’t stop attending mugs, school, kindergarten. The following measures will help prevent the disease:

  1. It is necessary to wash the baby's head at least twice a week.
  2. Add a couple drops of lavender oil or other to the shampoo essential oil for lice. The tool will scare off parasites.
  3. Explain to the child how lice and nits appear on the head.
  4. Perform routine inspection once a week.
  5. Braid your daughters' hair, and cut your sons on time.

Parents can see how lice look in the photo of children. On the baby, several types of parasites are able to parasitize, and a photo will demonstrate the symptoms of each individual species.

As a prevention, you can use vegetable oil. It is applied to the hair before washing the hair and kept for half an hour under a bag. If single individuals appeared in the hair, then they will suffocate, because the substance will block their access to oxygen.

It is worth remembering that anyone can encounter pediculosis. Frequent washing of the head will not eliminate insects. If the child has appeared lice and nitsthen you should seek help from a doctor.

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