Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Hydrogen peroxide from lice and nits

Hydrogen peroxide from lice and nits is not inferior in effectiveness to modern pharmacy anti-pediculosis drugs. The old proven tool was used by our grandmothers, but today it has not lost its relevance.

What is hydrogen peroxide?

The substance with the chemical formula H2O2 appeared in 1818 as a result of an experiment. Industrial production began in 1873 in Berlin. Since then, a detailed study of the properties of peroxide has begun. The compound is recognized as environmentally friendly, because when it comes into contact with a liquid, it decomposes to water and oxygen molecules.

In medicine, a substance with 3% of the active substance is used exclusively for external use. They treat wounds, abrasions, damaged surfaces of the dermis.

The disinfecting effect is easily explained. Under the influence of hydrogen peroxide in the cells of the dermis, oxygen is released, the wound is able to cleanse mechanically. The foam formed on the surface of the skin takes away pollution, draws out microbes, necrotic masses.

Action on lice

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide

It would seem, and here the disinfecting property of the substance to pediculosis control? Peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent. He is able to corrode the outer cover licepenetrate inside. Active components destroy the insides of parasites in a few minutes.

Most insects die. Survivors also remain. A certain part of them receives internal damage. Parasites are not able to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, lice breeding process ceases. The most persistent individuals continue to parasitize. The effectiveness of the method depends on compliance with all processing rules.

Shell peroxide nits can not be overcome. However, the active components of hydrogen peroxide destroy the structure of the sticky mucus with which the eggs are attached to the hair.

Contraindications to the procedure

It is not recommended to use peroxide from lice for children under 5 years of age, since it is impossible to predict the reaction of delicate skin. In other cases, you should first conduct a sensitivity test. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide is applied to the skin behind the ear. If you feel a strong burning sensation, redness, rashes, use a tool for pediculosis treatment not allowed.

The main contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to 5 years;
  • the presence of wounds, damage to the integrity of the skin on the head.

Peroxide weakens, highlights hair. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that after the procedure, the hair will become a tone lighter, require rehabilitation.

Drug preparation

Hydrogen peroxide against lice and nits is used only in diluted form. Otherwise, burns will appear on the skin, hair will lose its luster, vitality, and will get split ends.

Hydrogen peroxide-1
Hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the drug, it is necessary to dilute hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 2. As a result, the concentration of the substance will decrease to 1.5%. Cooking is necessary immediately before use.Upon contact with oxygen, the solution loses its properties.

Treatment rules

You can get rid of lice for 1 time. If you carry out the procedure in accordance with the rules.

  1. Pre-comb hair. The tool is applied with a sponge, dividing the hair into strands. Lastly, they treat the scalp. The procedure should be carried out quickly, since prolonged exposure to the dermis causes irritation. All this must be done in a maximum of 5 minutes. Make sure that the substance does not get on the skin of the forehead, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose.
  2. After 10-20 minutes, they begin to wash off the composition. When unpleasant sensations appear, they are washed off earlier. If everything is tolerable, wait up to 20 minutes. Initially, clean warm water is used to remove the product. Then prepare an acidic solution. In 1 liter of water add 1 teaspoon of citric acid or vinegar. Acidic solution helps to remove dead lice, nits from the hair, facilitates combing.
  3. Dry your hair, proceed to combing nits. The effectiveness of the method depends on the thoroughness of the procedure. The task is to remove all dead insects, weakened, surviving, to eliminate nits. The procedure is carried out in the bathroom or in any convenient place, after spreading a white cloth or paper. Use a comb with fine teeth or a special lice comb.
Combing lice and nits
Combing lice and nits


Instead of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide, you can use hair dye with the content of this substance. At the same time, the girls, inspiring beauty, succeed get rid of lice.

Method effectiveness

It will be possible to remove lice at home using hydrogen peroxide in 1 procedure under such conditions:

  • infection is negligible;
  • hair is short, medium length;
  • thorough combing.

Immediately after processing the head, the combing procedure must be carried out for at least 30 minutes. Repeat for 2 more days. Hair is examined for the presence of nits with a magnifying glass, a magnifier in bright daylight.

Reprocessing is required if:

  • strong infection;
  • long hair;
  • a few days later, living individuals were discovered;
  • new ones appeared lice bites.

It is necessary to reuse hydrogen peroxide from lice repeatedly not earlier than 10 days after the first procedure. A break is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Frequent use of an aggressive oxidizing agent spoils the hair structure and irritates the skin.
  2. It takes about 2 weeks for nits to turn into full lice. Re-treat the head after this time. If new bites are found, increase the frequency of combing. Surviving individuals can be removed mechanically. After 14 days, the treatment is repeated again.

Reviews of hydrogen peroxide from lice and nits confirm the effectiveness of the alternative method for pediculosis. The main advantage is safety, affordability, effectiveness, low cost.


In order to enhance the action of the active components, to block oxygen with parasites, a plastic bag is put on the head after hair treatment. Efficiency doubles.

Plastic bag
Plastic bag

Side effects

A slight burning sensation on the skin when using hydrogen peroxide is a normal reaction. But, in order to avoid skin burns, it is necessary to observe safety measures:

  • if the discomfort intensifies, do not wait for the end of 10-20 minutes, rinse immediately;
  • You can not start processing without first conducting a sensitivity test, even if you had to deal with the substance earlier;
  • It is strictly forbidden to increase the exposure time;
  • Do not ignore the presence of wounds, scratches on the scalp.

Alternative remedy for pediculosis is dangerous for humans, if you ignore the rules of the instructions for use.


As an adult, I had to face head lice. My surprise knew no bounds where did lice come from. Decided to act immediately after discovery. I have long wanted to lighten my hair very much.The case turned up. I bought a strong clarifier based on hydrogen peroxide. Normal painting. Withstood the composition on the hair for 45 minutes. I combed out for half an hour. This is where my insect fight is over.

Alina, Moscow

Introduced lice daughter at age 14. A very effective method, hydrogen peroxide is available in every home, and if not, you can buy at any pharmacy. Especially not pinching, tolerant. The color is slightly lightened, my daughter liked it. Combed for about an hour. Hair long, decided not to cut. Another week scratched her with a shallow comb. Breeding lice is much easier than kill nits. Re-processing was carried out after 14 days, as expected, to consolidate the result.

Svetlana, Nikolaev

( 3 grades average 5 of 5 )

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