- Types of Pediculosis
- Ointments for lice
- Sulfuric ointment
- Combing lice and nits
- Ointments for lice
Lice and nits in hair still remain a problem for children and their parents, only the funds from them are now more sophisticated and effective than usual keroseneused earlier. What ointment for lice that does not contain insecticides to choose to combat these insects - this article will tell.
Species of Lice
Specialists distinguish several types of licecausing such diseases:
- Head licein which lice are wound in the hair on the head. They live almost 40 days, managing to postpone hundreds of nits during this time. Lice are transmitted in contact with a sick person or his things.
- Pubic lice - the disease is caused by plaques leaving a woman’s pubic skin or scrotum in a man’s nits. Occasionally, pubic lice can live on eyebrows, on the eyelashes or in armpits, transmitted through bed and personal items.
- Hanging licewhen lice settle in the folds of clothes and bedding.
Of methods ectoparasite control there are many: the use of foaming shampooscreams and balms, sprays, folk remediesdecoctions of herbs. But ointments and creams are recognized as the most effective drugs, especially for treating children. They are quite simple to use, act locally and have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects.
What ointment for pediculosis in children is more effective and can be used without negative consequences, worries all parents whose children are infected with lice.
Types of ointments for lice and nits
There are many types of ointments used to combat human parasites:
- Sulfuric - helps in the fight against lice and with microbial diseases.
- Serortutnaya - an agent against parasites, is used by rubbing it on top of the skin.
- Mercury is a less effective drug that requires repeated use.
- Turpentine - weakly acts, has a distracting antiseptic effect.
- Benzyl benzoate cream - destroys lice, nits and ticks within 5 hours.
- Boric - has a fungicidal, anti-pedicular effect.
- Sulfur-mercury - used for parasitic diseases.
- Permethrin cream - provokes the death of insects and larvae.
- Lauri - used in the fight against pubic lice.
- Nyx - the drug contains permethrin, is allowed for children from 6 months.
Children's ointment for lice is purchased in a pharmacy, when you buy it, you should take into account age and select the allowed concentration: for children from 3 years old, you can use only 2% cream; children over 12 and adults - 5%.
Contraindications and side effects
The use of ointments from lice and nits is contraindicated:
- people who have allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
- children (for only a few drugs);
- if there is skin damage or inflammation in the areas head lice ointments are not recommended;
- pregnant women and nursing mothers - because of possible harm to the baby.
If there are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to find a safe drug. Often in such a situation, it is recommended to destroy ectoparasites by a mechanical method - comb out nits and remove manually.
Possible adverse reactions:
- burning, redness, itching;
- temporary numbness of the skin in the area of use of the substance;
- allergic rash or swelling.
If by chance the product gets inside when swallowed, then one should expect signs of digestive upset, cardiac disturbances, nervous manifestations (drowsiness or irritability), in this situation, treatment is carried out to remove the substance from the body.
Precautions for use
Follow all doctor's recommendations and instructions for proper use. drugs for lice:
- when using several tools, you need to find out about their possible interaction;
- it is impossible for the substance to get into the eyes, nose or mouth, genitals;
- wear gloves during handling;
- After using the product, wash your hands with soap and ventilate the room.
Sulfuric ointment
The active substance is sulfur (33%), as well as liquid paraffin. Sulfur ointment for lice is also used in the treatment of certain skin diseases: psoriasis, fungal diseases, seborrhea.
On a note!
Sulfur ointment on lice acts weakly, and against nits is generally useless.
The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and with increased sensitivity to sulfur.
Rules of use against lice and nits:
- the ointment is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
- the prepared solution is applied to wet hair and the skin with a swab;
- a cap of polyethylene is put on the head for 30 minutes;
- then the hair is washed in a solution of water and vinegar (1: 1);
- be sure to comb out with a frequent comb of lice and nits manually;
- the procedure should be carried out every week until the complete extermination of insects and larvae.
The advantage of treatment with sulfuric ointment is that, although the remedy is not very effective:
- it does not contain toxic substances, which are often part of more modern insecticides;
- does not dry the skin on the head;
- heals wounds after being bitten by lice.
The disadvantage of the ointment is its weak effect on lice and nits, because of which it should be used repeatedly.
Used sulfuric ointment to get rid of lice in her daughter's hair. Neighbors advised as safe so as not to resort to the help of chemicals. Very tormented, had to process many times and comb out the nits. In the end, I could not stand it and bought a more effective and modern remedy.
Marina, Novosibirsk
Serortic Ointment
Serortic ointment for lice was widely used in the fight against parasites in Soviet times, but now drugs with mercury are not released due to their side effects. There are several types:
- white - contains mercury amidochloride 10%, petrolatum and lanolin; it is used in the treatment of eczema and boils;
- gray ointment based on animal fats and mercury 30% is used to treat parasitic diseases on the skin;
- the most common yellow - sedimentary mercury is included in the composition; it is produced in 2 types: ophthalmic 2% and dermal 5-10%, it has anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic effects.
Mercury ointment from lice and nits is one of the effective means for use against ectoparasites precisely due to its high toxicity. According to experts, it is dangerous to human health.
Mercury preparations are prohibited due to their high toxicity. Side effects during its use: irritation and redness of the skin, damage to the kidneys (with prolonged use) and the nervous system.
How to apply:
- shave and wash the treatment area (maximum efficiency is achieved in the fight against pubic lice);
- apply a thin layer and rub thoroughly;
- treat the affected areas twice a day for a week.
Boric ointment is used similarly, but its effect is less effective. Reviews of boric ointment from lice and its use for children indicate its sufficient effectiveness, but repeated treatment is necessary for the complete destruction of parasites.
Other ointments for lice
Turpentine ointment is used according to the rules specified in the instructions. 25 mg of the product is applied for 2-3 hours on slightly damp hair, then the drug is washed off with shampoo. Repeat treatment is necessary every 3 days, periodically combing out dead insects.
Benzyl benzoate is available in the form of a cream and has been used to destroy lice and nits for several decades with high efficiency. However, its drawback is a very long exposure time to insects: you need to keep it on your head for 3-5 hours, and then remove it with shampoo.
Daughter brought lice from the kindergarten. Due to her three years of age, I was advised in the pharmacy to try turpentine ointment. I bought it because it is not as poisonous as chemicals and the cost is very low. They smeared my head several times, after which I patiently sat and chose dead insects and nits, but we won.
Oksana, Smolensk