Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Full Marx Remedy for Lice

Lice occupy a special place among parasites that harm a person. The main symptom of a problem is pediculosis. Among the many drugs for eliminating insects, Full Marx from lice stands out. It is a set of tools that complement each other for greater effectiveness in combating parasites: a special comb for combing nits and an insecticidal solution. Using this tool will allow you to quickly get rid of lice. But it is also important to detect the problem in time. Compared with other anti-pediculic drugs, Full Marx is more effective and safe.


The effectiveness of Full Marx is due to its composition. The formula includes several active substances: cyclomethicone and isopropyl myristate. The last component is obtained from light fractions of oil. Isopropyl myristate is actively used in cosmetology. Drugs that include this substance help the skin retain moisture. Cyclomethicone softens the action and oiliness of isopropyl myristate. Both one and the second substance do not have a negative effect on the body. That is why you can use lice remedy during pregnancyfeeding and children over 5 years old.

Means Full Marx-1
Means Full Marx

Instructions for use

Getting rid of lice occurs when you follow the following steps:

  • first, the hair is thoroughly combed, there should be no tangled areas, for this purpose you can use the comb from the set;
  • before applying the solution, do not wet your hair, the head remains dry, but in the process they should be divided into strands for the convenience of applying the drug;
  • since the most favorite places for lice are the occipital and temporal zone, these areas require more thorough processing;

    On a note!

    If the hair is of medium length, then a 50 ml bottle is sufficient for processing. For long and thick hair, at least 100 milliliters of the product will be required.

  • after applying the solution, the hair must be sealed, covered with a plastic bag or a scarf; this procedure is necessary so that the Full Marx remedy for lice acts faster;
  • after 15-20 minutes, despite the fact that 10 is indicated on the package, comb out the nits and dead lice with a comb;
    Combing lice and nits
    Combing lice and nits
  • at the end combing nits rinse hair with plain water.


In order for the procedure to be effective, a second treatment should be carried out in a week. Such a measure is necessary in order to permanently kill all new individuals that could appear from the remaining nits.

For pediculosis treatment a maximum of two weeks is enough. In most cases, the success of the event depends on the efforts of the person himself. If the nits are combed out well, then the risk that someone has survived will be greatly reduced.

Cost of funds

Despite the great popularity of the drug, it is much easier to purchase Full Marx in the online store. In pharmacies, it is usually absent or sold on order. It is delivered in several types:

  • the smallest bottle of 100 milliliters; its average cost is 300 rubles;
  • 150 ml spray, which is most convenient for processing, its price is about 420 rubles;
  • separately lice comb can be purchased for 40 rubles;
  • a solution and comb complex costs an average of 330 rubles.

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years, so the balance can be stored out of the reach of children.

Means Full Marx
Means Full Marx

Full Marx Reviews for Lice

FROM head lice faced at the time when the child went to school. Moreover lice in the classroom - This phenomenon is frequent, since the source of the problem could not be identified. For all time tried a lot anti-pediculosis drugsbut they acted weakly. After several uses of drugs in the form of shampoos realized that they were of little use. Reviews about Full Marx from lice read on the Internet. To bring out small bloodsuckers, I had to comb the nits well for several days, but the problem was solved quite quickly.

Darina, Rostov-on-Don

In my practice, Full Marx was required only once. There are certain drawbacks - difficulties in washing off the greasy composition, but the gel and comb set did well with their tasks. A week later, we re-processed, just in case, and now six months have passed, and lice in a child no longer appeared. The drug is quite happy.

Miroslava, Moscow

( 3 grades average 5 of 5 )

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