Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Reagent remedy for cockroaches

Reagent remedy for cockroaches

The cockroach regent is a modern insecticidal drug of a new generation. Available in several forms, before use, you need to prepare a solution. The active substance has an instant, prolonged action. Use for cockroach exterminationprevention of infection of the premises.

Operating principle

Cockroach Regent has a contact-intestinal effect. After insects enter the body, the poison violates the functions of the nervous system, causes muscle paralysis, and death occurs in a few minutes. The first victims appear 30 minutes after surface treatment; mass death occurs within a week. Is acting poison indoors 14-20 days.

For humans, the Regent is not dangerous if used correctly. During disinfection, rubber gloves, a mask or a respirator should be used, or treatment should be performed with the windows open.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • instant result;
  • prolonged prolonged action;
  • destroys sexually mature, immature individuals;
  • lack of an unpleasant smell;
  • relative safety for humans, pets;
  • affordable price;
  • economical consumption.

Among the shortcomings can be called the need for reprocessing, because the Regent the eggs, larvaelocated in the ooteca.

Release Forms

The drug is manufactured by BASF CE, Germany, some sources indicate the country of origin of France. The product is released in several forms - powder, granules, liquid concentrate. Regent powder, granules are sold in plastic bags, liquid product in 5 ml ampoules.

The preparations differ in the concentration of the active component. The most powerful is Regent 800. If the premises are slightly infected with cockroaches, it is enough to use Regent 25. Shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The solution after cooking must be used within 3 days, in the future, the properties are reduced.


The active ingredient is a new generation insecticidal substance. fipronil. The crystalline powder has a slight specific odor of mold. To obtain a solution, it is allowed to dilute with water at room temperature. After thorough stirring, pour into a spray bottle, household spray.

On a note!

Is applied remedy for colorado potato beetle, vegetable, fruit pests, synanthropic creeping insects. In each case, shows high efficiency.

Terms of use

Instructions for use for all forms of Regent are the same. The product must be dissolved in water at room temperature. Thoroughly stirred, poured into an appropriate container, carry out pest control. With a high number of cockroaches, a bag or capsule is dissolved in 200 ml of liquid. In other cases, 1 liter of water will be required. The required amount of poison is calculated based on the area of ​​the room.

Poison insects need gloves, respirator. There should not be other people, animals in the house. Preliminarily move the furniture away from the walls, carry out wet cleaning. The solution is sprayed from a distance of 20 cm from the surface to be treated.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • apply the product on the baseboards, floor, back of the furniture;
  • leave the room closed for at least 2 hours;
  • ventilate;
  • to carry out wet cleaning with the addition of baking soda, soap, in hard-to-reach places, the product is left for exposure.


Repeated disinsection against cockroaches is carried out after 14-20 days. General cleaning is carried out with the complete disappearance of insects. If there is a risk of infection, the agent is left to act. Within a month, the poison is completely neutralized

Where could I buy

In most cases, the tool is bought through the Internet, can be found in specialized, hardware stores. The price for a package of 100 g is 3400 rubles. A package with 0.5 g can be bought for 60 rubles. 200 ml of solution are prepared from this amount.

Efficiency according to customers

Reviews about the Regent are mostly positive, but the buyers are confused by the high price.

Last year I ran into a problem - cockroaches in the apartment. I did not want to poison the first available tool, I do not like to spend money in vain. I immediately bought an effective, high-quality drug Regent. There is no unpleasant smell, furniture, flooring does not spoil. Acts fast. Processed the kitchen in the evening, in the morning raked dead insects. It is spent sparingly, because selective processing is carried out, and not complete. I was satisfied with the effect.

Irina, Moscow

The cockroach regent acts quickly and helps a lot. I had to do two treatments since prusakov there was a lot in the room. They bought an apartment at a low price, but got a "dowry". There is no unpleasant odor in the room, it quickly disappears. Cockroaches disappeared within a month.

Oleg, Saratov


Fipronil-based drugs are produced by domestic, foreign manufacturers. The action is similar, the price is different. Effective remedies for cockroaches Cosmos, Standak Top, Espanadez gel, Brownie Proshka.

The cockroach regent is used to kill insects and prevent it. Combination with traps, gels based on other active ingredients.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Tatyana

    The regent bought from cockroaches. It is spent sparingly, so the price is reasonable. I did not find it right away. Bypassed several shops in the city. I liked the lack of an unpleasant odor. Processed the kitchen, toilet, bathroom. Cockroaches gradually died out. Not much effort was required from me. Good remedy.

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