Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

How to get fleas out of an apartment with folk remedies


One of the pressing problems of many people is the presence of parasitic insects in the house. The situation becomes more aggravated if children become victims of bloodsuckers. Therefore, every sane person flea control agents. After all, besides the fact that bite These parasites are quite painful, its consequence may be an allergic reaction or an infectious disease.


Where and how to get rid

It is important to know where fleas appear in the house. Many argue that flea attacks can only affect pets. And in order to get rid of parasites, it is enough to carry out the treatment of the animal. In fact, fleas can live:

  • in the coat of the pet;
  • in feathers of birds;
  • people's clothes;
  • in floor coverings;
  • in the furniture.

Bloodsuckers can also migrate to an apartment located on the ground floor, from the basement or from unscrupulous neighbors. And they feed not only on the blood of domestic animals, but also on people.

Domestic fleas differ from their counterparts living in animal hair in size and color. Most often attacks basement parasites private houses or lower floors of apartment buildings are exposed. Their main habitats are: furniture and carpets, crevices under the baseboards and in the parquet, clusters of clothes and soft toys. In addition to aesthetic aversion, flea parasites are carriers of many diseases: hepatitis, plague, typhoid, typhoid, salmonella and others. Therefore for human they are dangerous.

Flea habitats in the house
Flea habitats in the house

Today on the market there are many chemicals to combat parasites. But not every one of them is effective. And not all are safe for human health. To deal with small pests through powders, emulsions and sprays due to their toxicity, both for animals and for young children for many people is impractical. After all, most of them can cause severe allergic reactions. To remove fleas from the apartment, you can try to use folk remedies.

The benefits of folk remedies for fleas

Fleas reproduce very quickly, so one bottle of a chemical preparation is not enough to process the apartment. Given the fact that a good tool will cost a lot, you will have to spend a considerable amount to achieve the full effect. Folk remedies are much more economical in consumption, and also safe for human health and domestic animals.

Another advantage of folk anti-flood agents is that they can be purchased at almost every pharmacy or store. Some effective chemicals can only be ordered online.

Folk remedies for fleas in the apartment

Folk remedies for fleas are quite effective, as they were created by people and transmitted from generation to generation. Every year new components appeared in the composition of such recipes, which act on parasites even more.

The main folk remedies for fleas in the house:

  • Plants;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Tar soap;
  • Baking soda;
  • Citrus;
  • Sawdust pine.

These are the means than to process an apartment from fleas quickly and easily. Given the fact that non-traditional folk remedies are used very rarely, insects simply do not have time to adapt to them. Which makes them no less effective than chemicals. Consider the main options for how to get rid of fleas folk remedies.


Quite often, herbal infusions are used to combat parasites, the specific smell of which is harmful to insects. Sagebrush, eucalyptus leaves or tansy can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Enough for 1 tbsp. l each herb pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours. The resulting broth can be sprayed with household items, clothes, floor and walls. Bunches of fresh grass spread throughout the house give an equally quick effect.

Essential oils

You can display fleas with essential oil - such a folk remedy is easy to purchase at any pharmacy. Parasites do not like eucalyptus, mint, cloves or anise. Therefore, in order for fleas to stop biting, it is necessary to treat all the external surfaces in the house with aromatic oil. After such a disinfection, the bloodsuckers will disappear for a long time.

Essential oils, mint, eucalyptus
Essential oils, mint, eucalyptus

Use this folk method with great caution for people prone to allergies, since aroma can cause an allergic reaction.

Pine sawdust and needles

Comprehensive application with other folk remedies is also appropriate. Do not like fleas and the smell of needles. At its slightest manifestation, the insects immediately leave. If a pet acts as a carrier of parasites, then you can save it from bloodsuckers using pine sawdust. It is enough to fill them with the mattress on which the pet is sleeping.

You can get rid of fleas at home with the help of needles, spreading it on a carpet, sofa or bed (in places where parasites most often live). Coniferous broth can be added to the water while bathing the animal and when washing things.

Garlic and brewer's yeast

Independently get rid of fleas in the house will help the smell of chopped garlic, which should be mixed with brewer's yeast. The resulting composition is used to treat the surface of the floor, after a day cleaning is done using a vacuum cleaner. Or you can just put garlic cloves around the house, periodically replacing them with fresh ones. Such a folk remedy is effective in the fight not only with bloodsuckers, but also with colds.

Kerosene or turpentine acts in a similar way. Using these components, it is important to consider the presence of a pungent odor and the likelihood of ignition. Therefore, precautions should be observed during the processing of the room: you must not smoke or light matches in the room. The next day, you need to do wet cleaning.

Citrus zest

Fleas can be removed with the help of citrus fruits, or rather, its zest. The peel of an orange, lemon or mandarin should be decomposed at the site of detection of parasites. And then the question of how to get rid of fleas in the apartment will be decided by itself.

Citrus peel
Citrus peel

Flea salt and soda

You can also destroy domestic fleas in a closed room using baking soda and sodium chloride. Flea salt and soda are mixed in equal amounts and sprinkled over the floor. Salt crystals, falling on the carapace of the parasite, corrode it, which causes the death of the insect. After a day, you need to do wet cleaning.

This folk remedy is also used for bathing pets. Salt is diluted in hot water in the ratio of 1 kg per bucket of liquid. The resulting solution is placed on the neck of the pet, and incubated for 3-4 minutes. Then rinse with clean water. However, this method cannot be used if there are wounds or scratches on the animal’s body.

Tar soap

Fleas can be taken out of the house using tar soap. This is a fairly effective folk remedy that does not require large financial investments. To remove bloodsuckers from the animal’s hair, it is necessary to soap it well, and after 10 minutes rinse with clean water. It is important to avoid getting foam in the eyes, ears and nose of the pet. After the animal’s hair is dry, it must be thoroughly combed to remove fleas and their larvae.

To process the premises, tar is made from tar soap, which is bred in hot water. The resulting solution is used to clean the floor, doors, walls, furniture surface.

Tar soap, vinegar and salt
Tar soap, vinegar and salt

Table vinegar

Vinegar is another traditional folk remedy that is used for prevention to get rid of house parasites. It is enough to process the floor and all surfaces in the house with a highly concentrated solution. In hard to reach places they can be sprayed.


With the appearance of such a problem in the winter season, it is necessary to take out all the carpeting and things infected with pests to the street so that they freeze well. Things must be washed and ironed with a hot iron, the carpets should be thoroughly vacuumed and treated with an apartment using any of the above methods.

How to get rid of cat fleas folk remedy

The victim cat fleasparasitizing in the hair of domestic cats is not only an animal. Bloodsuckers can also attack a person, causing great discomfort. The fight against cat fleas should begin with the processing of a pet. To do this, carefully examine the cat's hair. If parasites are found, it is necessary to treat the animal's hair anti-shampoo, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or made independently.

To prepare flea shampoo, it is necessary to take baby soap and grate it on a coarse grater, add water and cook over low heat until a jelly mass forms. Then add the grated onion, a decoction of nettle or calendula. The prepared mixture should be treated with animal hair, wrapped in plastic wrap and left for 20 minutes to achieve full effect. Then rinse with running water. Such a folk remedy, although it takes time, but also gives an amazing effect.

In order to prevent parasites from appearing in the house again, one should regularly inspect the animal’s coat. By localizing the source of infection, you can solve this problem much faster.

Inspect animals
Inspect animals

The next stage is the processing of the premises using the available folk remedies. In this capacity, you can use chlorine-containing liquids or an aqueous-vinegar solution, turpentine or whiteness. It is necessary to disinfect not only the surface of the floor, furniture and walls, but also the front door. After doing a general cleaning of the apartment and especially the place where the animal sleeps.

Before using the vacuum cleaner in his garbage bag, you need to put a piece of naphthalene - another folk remedy that they fear bed fleas. It is advisable to boil bedding and iron it with a hot iron. If possible, take out the mattress, pillows and blankets outside. After this, fleas will not bite, as they cannot stand too low or high temperatures.


Svetlana: In the autumn, fleas wound up in our house. Where they came from is hard to say. I think the neighbor’s cause of infection flea-infected dog. At work, I was advised to get rid of these parasites on their own using folk remedies. I sanitized all surfaces in the house with a whiteness solution and cleaned the bedding. I made a decoction of wormwood and sprinkled the whole apartment for them. More bloodsuckers do not bother us.

Oleg: I did not think that fleas bite people. But when our family had to face such a problem, the wife, on the advice of her friend, washed all the objects and surfaces in the house with acetic solution.And in places where parasites were noticed, she spread orange peels. After which we did not observe these creatures in the house.

Elena: You need to get rid of fleas right after you find them. Otherwise, it is much more difficult to destroy parasites, as they multiply rapidly. In the initial stages of infection, it is quite possible to do with such folk remedies as wormwood, tansy or eucalyptus. The pungent smell and bitter taste of these herbs is not to the liking of the bloodsuckers.

Lyudmila: In ancient times, only folk remedies were used to destroy various parasites. Grandmother said that such a problem as domestic fleas was solved with kerosene. But this method did not suit us because of the pungent odor.

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