Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

How to Derive Sexual Fleas

In nature, there are a huge number of ectoparasites that can cause harm and anxiety to humans and pets. Sexual fleas in the photo, presented at multiple magnification, are those parasites that spend the bulk of their lives on the floor of a human dwelling. Here they multiply, turn into larvae, from which formed insects appear. The pests got their name from their favorite place of stay. They prefer to settle in floor coverings, fleecy carpets, fluffy toys, in secluded places between the baseboard and the wall.

Sexual fleas - a collective image, united under one name rat, dog, feline, human and other types of ectoparasites that can be brought into the apartment by animals, birds, as well as on clothes and shoes of people from the street. Most often, residents of the first floors and private houses suffer from a pest invasion. Insects can enter the room from the basements through the cracks in the floor, ventilation ducts, and even through doors and windows.

Features of genital fleas

Genital fleas
Genital fleas

Domestic parasites are not closely related to their hosts. They attack animals and humans only in order to get enough of the blood of their victim. After this, bloodsuckers move to secluded places for reproduction and digestion of food. In favorable apartment conditions, the genital flea lives for three months. During this time, the female is able to lay up to 500 eggs, of which within 14 days transparent worm-shaped larvae appear, feeding on rotten organics and feces of relatives.

In length, it reaches 4-5 mm. Pupa of parasites are distinguished by a high degree of resistance to adverse factors, therefore, getting rid of genital fleas is quite difficult. The development of parasites from embryo to imago lasts approximately three weeks.


Fleas are different good jumping ability. The design of the hind limbs allows them to cover a distance 100 times greater than the length of the body of the insect. Thanks to this, they are able to instantly overtake their victim or hide from danger.

Flea bites
Flea bites

Flea bite, especially young, is very painful and it is impossible not to notice it. Puncture sites swell, acquire a reddish tint, and combed areas of the body sometimes begin to fester. Fleas pose a great danger to humans, as they are carriers of such dangerous diseases:

  • typhoid fever;
  • encephalitis;
  • plague;
  • hepatitis;
  • salmonellosis and other infections.

With multiple bites, a person can develop pulicosis, accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • fever;
  • irritability, headache;
  • insomnia;
  • non-healing wounds on the mucous membrane and skin;
  • an allergic reaction in the form of multiple rashes in places of bites.

All these and other negative phenomena indicate what is needed as quickly as possible. get rid of genital fleas by all possible methods and means.

The fight against genital fleas

The whole process of destruction of dangerous pests can be divided into two stages:

  • the fight against parasites present in cats and dogs;
  • processing facilities for the complete extermination of genital fleas.

These actions involve the use of powerful insecticidal drugs, which must be applied strictly for their intended purpose, observing all the recommendations set forth in the instructions and personal protective measures.

The burning question of how to get rid of sex fleas without compromising the health of people living in the apartment and a pet worries many. This is not difficult to accomplish if everything is done correctly and in combination. Before embarking on an active fight against dangerous parasites, it is necessary to analyze and establish the alleged ways to enter the apartment genital fleas. If a pet is at risk, then you need to start with it.

Treatment of Pets from Genital Fleas

If the animal constantly itches, is anxious, bites into the coat, then this indicates the presence of parasites in the pet. It is necessary to rid him of bloodsuckers immediately, in order to avoid severe consequences that may occur in an infected pet. In the arsenal of veterinary medicine there are various means that allow you to quickly and effectively cope with dangerous fleas:

  1. Antiparasitic shampoosallowing gently and safely to remove sexual fleas from a pet. The most popular are detergents based on phytocomponents Lugovoi, Celandine, Bio Groom, as well as Dr. Zoo, Mr. Bruno and others.
    Dog flea shampoos
    Dog flea shampoos
  2. Insecticidal drops from dangerous parasites. They are applied to the withers of the animal, do not enter the bloodstream, but remain in the fat subcutaneous layer of the pet. The drugs have a prolonged effect and reliably protect the pet. Veterinarians recommend using drops to remove and protect animals Celandine, Adventage, Stronghold, Front line, LeopardHearts, Barrier other.
  3. Anti-flea collars for cats and dogs. They have excellent protective characteristics. Well-established branded products Leopard, Bio-Band, Hartz, Bolfo, Ceva, Kiltiks, Bayer. In addition to the mentioned means for treating animals against fleas, you can use powder preparations, sprays, alternative methods and many other methods, after coordinating your actions with a veterinarian.

In addition to the mentioned means for treating animals against fleas, you can use powder preparations, sprays, alternative methods and many other methods, after coordinating your actions with a veterinarian.


We live on the ground floor, so we often carry out various preventive measures to prevent infection of the apartment with genital fleas. I wash my Murzik with Lugovoi shampoo and then put on a Hartz collar on it. Pests do not bother us or our pet.

Catherine, Perm

Room disinfection

It is necessary to deal with genital fleas according to a strictly developed plan, which involves the destruction of parasites at all stages of their development in a variety of indoor habitats. After removing insects from pets, it is necessary to proceed to the disinfection of the apartment space:

  • minimize the possibility of fleas entering the apartment by closing up cracks in the floors and installing protective nets on windows and ventilation ducts;
  • thoroughly clean the premises, having treated all surfaces with Butox or soapy-alkaline solution, thoroughly vacuumed upholstered furniture, carpets, toys, and it is best to steam them;
    Butox 50 for fleas
    Butox 50 for fleas
  • dry clean or wash things in hot water;
  • dry in the sun or take out in the cold (depending on the season) blankets, pillows, mattresses and hold them under such conditions for the longest possible time;
  • carefully pack food and remove from the premises outsiders, including animals, treat the apartment with the insecticides Executioner, Dobrokhim, Combat, Raptor, Get, Tsifoks and do not forget about Dichlorvos.


    They did not know how to cope with the genital fleas that have recently appeared in our apartment. Friends advised Dichlorvos. For a long time I doubted its effectiveness, but then still decided to apply. The result - fleas disappeared without a trace. Recommend.

    Konstantin, Murmansk

  • after disinsection of all surfaces and “problem” places, it is necessary to maintain the room without air for at least two hours;
  • ventilate the room, but postpone wet cleaning for 5 days, so that the applied insecticidal agent for genital fleas copes with the problem as much as possible.

In order to avoid re-infection of the apartment with dangerous insects, it is necessary to periodically wet clean using any disinfectants, regularly ventilate the premises, dispose of food waste and thoroughly vacuum all carpets. To prevent the appearance of reproductive fleas, you can use dusting powders or use folk recommendations by hanging fragrant herbs with pungent odors.


To prevent fleas from appearing in the apartment, I constantly wash the floors with the addition of vinegar, and treat the carpets with a solution of soda.

Zinaida, Saratov

Knowing how to fight and how to remove dangerous parasites, you can prevent their appearance in the apartment.

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