- Fleas
- Preparation for processing
- Flea Remedies
- Flea Remedies
- Flea Remedies
Each person has a concern for creating comfort and coziness in his apartment. Suddenly parasites can disrupt the usual foundations of life. Flea control, just like with bugsis a long-standing problem of humanity. In the Middle Ages, jumping parasites were removed with the help of old rabbit skins, which were placed on the floor. This is due to the fact that fleas prefer to settle in secluded places, which in this case were fur litter. Today, effective means of fleas in an apartment and a house are powerful insecticidal drugs that allow you to fight bloodsuckers at any stage of development.
Fleas are blood-sucking parasites, so they cause the main harm and anxiety by their bites. The affected body not only itches and hurts, but allergic reactions caused by injected poison are not excluded.
Important! Bloodsuckers pose a danger to humans, as they are carriers of more than 200 various dangerous diseases, such as encephalitis, plague, hepatitis, salmonellosis and others. Therefore, at the first signs of the presence of fleas in the apartment, it is necessary to take all measures to exterminating unwanted neighbors.
Recommendations for determining fleas in an apartment
Before choosing insecticides for fleas, you need to make sure that these parasites occupied the apartment. Indeed, to combat various insects, there are certain drugs. According to experts, up to thirty species of various bloodsuckers can settle near a person. You can distinguish fleas from other parasites if you know their characteristic signs:
- insects have yellow and brown-black color shades;
- the length of the parasite is in the range from 1 to 5 mm;
- the body of the bug is slightly flattened on the sides and provided with many bristles;
- due to the presence of three pairs of legs, the insect is able to jump long distances.
Their life expectancy is approximately 2 years. During this time, the female can lay up to two thousand eggs. After a few weeks, motile larvae appear, after 14 days they turn into adult insects. Domestic fleas most commonly found within human housing include:
One way or another breaking into the apartmentThey bring a lot of trouble to all the inhabitants of the room. Favorite habitats for insects are carpet, crevices, beds, soft fleecy toys, plinths, a kitchen sink, furniture, pet habitats, and others. Knowing all the nooks and crannies of their placement, you can start an effective fight at home.
Interesting! A blank sheet of white paper may be an indicator in determining fleas. It should be laid on the floor and carefully watched. If after a while black moving dots appear on it, it is urgent to purchase a flea remedy in the apartment.
Preparation of the apartment for disinfestation and processing rules
Before starting the process of destroying fleas, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:
- make a wet cleaning of the apartment;
- carefully pack and remove food;
- pets - protect with special collars for dogs and cats, and the rest (cold-blooded) to remove from the premises;
- a few hours after processing, the apartment needs to be ventilated.
These measures will make it possible to disinfect the living space without any problems. To achieve the maximum positive result, you must perform the following actions:
- to process all fabric and fleecy things;
- dry in the sun or clean the bedding with a steam generator;
- thoroughly rinse accessible surfaces using disinfectants;
- vacuum the apartment to collect fleas and eggs;
- cultivate living space with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment;
- the disinfected room must be closed for several hours, and then well ventilated;
- Wipe accessible surfaces from the drug, and clean in the apartment after 3-4 days.
A properly selected flea remedy in the apartment and thorough mining will help get rid of bloodsuckers. Do not forget that the best way to prevent the re-emergence of parasites in the house is prevention.
Choosing an effective flea remedy
The narrow food specialization of fleas is reflected in the fact that the drugs used to destroy them are less than other insects. The parasite is not able to eat the poison bait, so you can poison it using such means:
- sprays and aerosols, the active components of which penetrate the insect with air;
- contact preparations in the form of powders or suspensions;
- crayons.
Almost all flea remedies have an effect on the nervous system of parasites. They block the transmission of impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of the insect. The active substances in the preparations may be different. Some use pyrethroid insecticides, others use organophosphorus compounds.
Fleas and bedbugs are similar in terms of nutrition. Therefore, all insecticides from bed bugs can be successfully used in the fight against other bloodsuckers.
Pyrethroids are a group of chemicals that are an active component in various drugs from all kinds of blood-sucking parasites. These include: permethrin, phenotrin, and etofenprox. These flea preparations have a somewhat delayed, prolonged type of action, which provides a lasting effect from their use.
Organophosphorus based insecticides have an ovicidal effect, which is very important if fleas have settled long ago and started to multiply. Based on these substances, long-known products such as Karbofos from fleas and Dichlorvos. Despite the large number of shortcomings, they are sometimes simply irreplaceable.
One of the simple tools used to combat bloodsuckers is the poison from fleas in the form of crayons. Usually it is used for surface treatment in places where it is not possible to use other drugs. Means are practically safe, although they have little toxicity. They are preferably used for preventive purposes, preventing the penetration of parasites into the room.
Flea powder is a very effective drug with a long-lasting effect. It is easy to scatter it in this form under carpets, cabinets and in crevices. There he can be for a long time, which is necessary for the complete disposal of fleas. Means have a contact effect, a toxic effect occurs after the parasite comes into contact with the poison. The most popular are various dusts, such as Clean House, Fenaksin, Domovoy and Fas-double.
Judging by numerous reviews, the most popular drugs among the population are considered more powerful drugs, which include:
- Raptor in the form of a spray. This is a well-known and widely used remedy for domestic fleas.It is safe for humans and has a pleasant mint smell. A prolonged action allows you to get rid of newly hatched larvae, as the effect lasts for three weeks.
“Treated a large private house. It took eight balloons, but the effect is amazing - not only fleas, but bugs are gone. Good remedy. Recommend".
Maria, Saratov
- Sinusan. Professional tool, used only by pest control services. This is the most effective remedy for fleas, as it reliably protects the apartment from uninvited guests. The disadvantage is a strong, unpleasant odor, so it is problematic to use at home.
“There were never any parasites in the house, and then something began to bite. Called out sanitation brigade. They quickly and carefully processed the entire apartment. The fleas did not die after that, and they do not appear. They asked what was processed, it was a very smelly remedy. They said that Sinuzan. Good insecticide. "
Sergey, Kaliningrad
- Flea drug Chlorpirimark. Professional tool is available in the Netherlands. The active component is the organophosphorus compound - chlorpyrifos. Fights against cockroaches, flies, ants, bugs and fleas. Residual activity persists for a month and a half.
- Biorin. It belongs to the category of special highly toxic agents and is used only by special services. The flea remedy lasts for eight weeks, but the bloodsuckers die on the first day after treatment. The active substance is deltamethrin. The drug has an unpleasant, pungent odor, dangerous for children and pets. Sold as a concentrate. It is necessary to breed poison in accordance with the instructions in the instructions.
- Raid - A popular tool that is highly effective in combating domestic parasites. Aerosol packaging allows you to quickly and thoroughly process the room. After use, it is recommended to close the apartment for several hours.
- Get is the best flea cure in the apartment. A microencapsulated preparation is available in the form of a spray and a concentrated emulsion, requiring additional dilution to obtain a working solution.
- Clean house. The drug in the form of a spray, under the action of which in insects, convulsions, paralysis are observed, leading to the death of insects.
The list of highly effective agents used to combat blood-sucking parasites can be continued. Separately, attention should be paid to drugs that are not palpable by the sense of smell. This information will be useful for people who cannot stand pungent odors, and you need to deal with fleas:
- Flea feverfew. A substance of organic origin, effectively eliminating insects. Powdered preparation is made from frayed daisy inflorescences. It is recommended to fill it up in all inaccessible places in the apartment. It is safe for children and animals, can be used in parallel with other insecticides.
- Varan is an odorless remedy. It is used for fleas and bugs, prevents their appearance within two weeks. It is not dangerous for children and pets.
- Butox is a harmless drug that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. It is packaged in glass ampoules, the contents of which are mixed in certain proportions with water. This flea remedy allows a single treatment of the premises.
“Since there is a small child and two cats at home, they decided to get rid of fleas with the least toxic means. Chose by reviews Butox. We were satisfied with the result: fleas disappeared quickly and did not appear again. ”
Irina, Smolensk
Before you purchase a particular drug, you must consult with specialists and carefully read the instructions. After all, if there are children in the apartment, then you should buy and use safe means for the child.This will allow disinsection of the premises without damage to the health of a small family member. But even if the insecticide is safe, experts recommend taking the children out of the apartment for a while.
It should be noted that if there is a cat or a dog in the house, then they must also be protected from bloodsuckers. It is advisable for pet owners living in Russia to use modern, domestic insecticidal products for their pets. This is because imported drugs do not take into account the specifics of the local parasitic component. Therefore, veterinarians advise protecting their pets with cat anti-flea collars, drops on the withers and sprays for treating the wool of the famous Russian manufacturer Api-San. The use of a creolin flea remedy will also help destroy parasites in smaller brothers. If a kitten or puppy lives in the apartment, then for security reasons try using folk remedies to rid them of bloodsuckers.
There are many names of drugs for the destruction of bloodsuckers. Today, one can easily buy a flea control in a house at an affordable price in Moscow or in another locality. All of them are quite effective and will allow you to get rid of insects in the apartment for a short period of time.
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