Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Wormwood from fleas in an apartment and a house

Flea bites for a person is very painful, especially for children. Many centuries ago, people used wormwood against fleas because of the fear that they were carriers of deadly diseases, as a result of which epidemics could occur.

But most often victims of dangerous flea become pets, especially cattle, cats, dogs, birds. In this case, they cause constant concern to pets and often infect them with helminth larvae, transferring them to their scaly extremities.

Even those animals that never go out are victims of fleas. Such as domestic small rodents, decorative cats, raccoons, ferrets. Most often people eggs of parasites to your home on the sole of the shoes. In this case, uninvited guests can settle in the apartment for a long time and begin to terrorize the owners.

Fleas, their eggs and larvae
Fleas, their eggs and larvae

Wormwood Properties

Wormwood is a very common plant in the aster family, growing on almost all continents in the temperate zone. Used by humans as flea herb, medicine, and nutritional supplement. Wormwood against fleas has a persistent pronounced effect, due to the fact that a large number of chemicals are present in the composition:

  • Glycosides;
  • Acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Carotene;
  • Essential oil.

A characteristic feature of all types of this plant is a very bitter taste and a persistent specific smell. Due to this property, grass has become widespread in the manufacture of environmentally friendly insecticides and extracts to combat internal parasites.

The main uses of wormwood

The substances contained in the stem and leaves of the plant cannot physically act on insects or cause them any significant harm. But most parasites do not tolerate the smell of this herb, so all means based on this plant have a deterrent and preventive function. Consider how to use insect wormwood.

  1. Wormwood broth. 50 g of dry grass pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for about an hour. It is a good tool as an additive to detergents used in wet cleaning. In this case, the active components spread throughout the floor and force the fleas to look for other places for laying eggs. Regular addition of broth while bathing pets significantly reduces the risk of attracting parasites to the body of the animal while walking in open spaces. Particularly effective is the product if you brew wormwood with tansy and peppermint.

    Wormwood from fleas
    Wormwood from fleas
  2. Alcohol tincture. 5 teaspoons of dry grass are taken per 1 liter of vodka or alcohol. Effective as a preventative additive to carpet detergents. It is also used as a remedy for helminths. Helminths are constant companions of fleas, as their larvae are introduced onto the hair of dogs or cats with flea limbs with flea contact time. The alcohol tincture of flea wormwood is also effective as an addition to the bathtub in which pets bathe.
  3. Wormwood powder. A well-dried plant is ground into powder and sprinkled with hard to reach areas of the floor for daily cleaning and vacuuming. Most often, wormwood from fleas in the house and in the country is used in this form.Another way is when the crushed parts of the plant are poured into canvas bags and distributed into linen cabinets. The powder from this plant is a good prophylactic not only against fleas, but also from moths.
  4. Flea Wormwood Brooms. Old proven flea repellent method from attic and basement rooms. Freshly cut bushes of the plant are bundled and placed in the corners of technical rooms or placed behind cabinets. During the period of shrinkage, the shrub releases phytoncides, which force insects to leave the shelter. Separate branches of wormwood are laid out under the rugs on which pets sleep. This greatly enhances the effect.
  5. Wormwood oil. Oil contains many essential components, therefore it is an effective barrier to the spread of fleas in the home. Flea wormwood essential oil is used in its pure form, it is poured into small containers and left for a long time. The strong smell encourages insects to look for another habitat.


Wormwood contains toxins. External use of a plant to repel fleas in animals is usually safe, but there is an allergy or individual intolerance. Using oil from a plant to rub into animal hair can also cause irritation.

Other flea plants

During the preparation of decoctions of wormwood, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of the product if you add plants such as mint and tansy. From blood-sucking insects helps quite effectively. This method of preparing decoctions was widely used dozens of years ago.

Eucalyptus, Anise and Clove
Eucalyptus, Anise and Clove

On a note!

In addition to the smell of wormwood, insects avoid the aromas of eucalyptus, anise, cloves. These plants can be used together as additional reinforcing components, or as a separate means of protection against fleas.

The plant itself has several hundred species, but the strongest smell is wormwood. Common wormwood, which is also called Chernobyl, has almost the same properties. All these plants have been used since ancient times as a remedy for fleas in the apartment. Today, there are a lot of effective remedies on sale with which you can get rid of fleas in the apartment and on animals. The fight against bloodsuckers is recommended to be carried out comprehensively. For the destruction of fleas in the apartment there effective modern drugsby which it is easy to destroy uninvited guests. It is important to carry out correctly room processingstrictly following the instructions. The most popular sprays:

For pets, you can also buy effective funds. Drops specially formulated for cats and dogs have proven their worth:


We in the village know how wormwood affects fleas. In all corners in the barn, in the closet and the cellar are brooms from the Chernobylnik. We keep chickens and rabbits, we are afraid that insects will move from the barn to the house. Cats can bring parasites from the street, so we carry out wet cleaning with pharmacy tincture of wormwood, it is effective as a prevention against fleas in cats.

Elena, Bryansk.

Our dog usually sleeps on the rug in the hallway. We treat parasites with a special drug, but we try to do this as little as possible. But regularly we put a fresh bush under the mat, and then immediately noticeable is how the wormwood helps the dog from fleas. Insects bypass this rug.

Vitaliy, Kaluga.

I already knew how to use wormwood, and that it helps repel insects, especially mosquitoes. In the camp, we always threw its branches into the fire. The smell was such that a hundred meters felt. By the way, tansy from fleas helps too. The recipe is very simple, it’s easy to make a decoction at home, and if you insist on vodka, then it definitely should help against insects. Who else is wondering if wormwood helps against fleas in cats, I advise you to try this natural old method at least once and make sure.

Svetlana, Lipetsk.

I do not know how this plant grows, I just saw wormwood in the photo. In a pharmacy I buy tincture and oil. Because of the cats, I'm afraid the parasites will be bred, so I use wormwood from fleas in the apartment. This plant acts on fleas gently but effectively. For prevention, the floor should be washed with tincture.

Irina, Murmansk

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