Ulyana Vosonina/ article author
Medical education. Author of articles on the pestpro.htgetrid.com/en/ project

Remedies for fleas and ticks in dogs

Warm spring days, when it is so pleasant to walk with your four-legged friend, bring danger in the form of infection fleas and ticks. The owner of the dog follows in advance, will worry about the health of his pet. But it is difficult for an inexperienced dog owner to navigate various animal care products, and even more so in drugs designed to treat them from different types of exogenous parasites. The information below will help determine which flea drops for dogs are best, and why drops should be chosen.

The benefits of drops

Dog flea drops
Dog flea drops

Drops from fleas and ticks have several advantages over other forms of released funds from blood-sucking insects. Drops:

  • do not require special skills in use;
  • are cheaper than other forms;
  • safe for pet's health;
  • eliminate insects instantly;
  • differ prolonged and barrier effect;
  • act on a wide range of blood-sucking insects;
  • take into account the individual parameters of the dog - age, weight, breed.

An individual approach to the development of a remedy for fleas and ticks is very important, since the active substance in drops is an insecticide - a poison that, if the permissible dosage is violated, can lead to poisoning of the dog. Therefore, good flea drops for dogs contain detailed instructions that indicate the dosage of the product, depending on the body weight of the animal or on the package the breed for which the drops are intended is indicated.


When choosing an insect repellent, consult a veterinarian. Even external drops against fleas and ticks can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases in dogs or have limitations and contraindications for use. Most companies are limited to the recommendation not to use the product for pregnant and lactating bitches. And only by studying the characteristics of insecticides, you can find a detailed list of contraindications.

Therefore, information about the properties of insecticides most commonly used in flea and tick drops will not be out of place for the dog owner.

Characteristics of insecticides against fleas and ticks

In the body of insects, there are enzymes that contribute to the development of resistance to the most commonly used insecticides and acaricides - this is an adaptive reaction that allowed synanthropic insects to survive next to humans for centuries. Therefore, to control the population of blood-sucking parasites, new drugs with an improved formula are being released.

Fleas, their eggs and larvae
Fleas, their eggs and larvae

Consider which of the insecticides effectively fight immediately with fleas and ticks:

  • Pyrethrins - substances that have been used in the fight against blood-sucking insects for more than 100 years. They are made on the basis of natural raw materials - pyrethrum or powder of flowers of Persian, Dalmatian chamomile. Intoxication of the body is noted in exceptional cases, so the substances are still relevant. Despite the fact that this is the longest-used insecticide, parasites do not have resistance to it. The substance of contact and intestinal action has a damaging effect on the transmission of impulses along neuromuscular fibers, which leads to paralysis and death of fleas and ticks.
  • Pyrethroids - synthesized pyrethrin analogues. Most often, drops are used - permethrin, phenotrin, etofenprox. This group of insecticides is highly resistant to external influences (light, air, water) and prolonged action, which allows you to save the effect of the product for a month.
  • Imidacloprid and clothianidin belong to the group of neonicotinoids, nicotine derivatives. The substances are very toxic to insects, but low toxic to warm-blooded animals, as they are not able to cross the blood-brain barrier and do not affect the central nervous system.
  • Diazinon - a substance that acts as a contact-intestinal one, due to the fact that it can accumulate in the upper layer of the epidermis, in the sebaceous glands and hair follicle, as well as penetrate into the circulatory system, where it quickly breaks down to inactive metabolites and is excreted from the body with urine. Organophosphates, which include diazinon, are not recommended for use in the treatment of hounds and greyhounds. This is due to the fact that they have an insignificant layer of subcutaneous fat and a large amount of the drug penetrates into the systemic circulation, which can cause intoxication.
  • Fipronil - paralyzing substance of contact-intestinal action. With prolonged use causes the emergence of resistant generations of insects. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate with other insecticides.
  • Selamectin possesses a wide spectrum of action - destroys fleas, ear mites, lice, round helminths. Well tolerated by dogs of all breeds, including collie.
  • Moxidexin - a semi-synthetic substance obtained on the basis of the waste products of fungi of the genus streptomycetes. Effectively combats a wide range of endo- and ectoparasites in dogs.

Flea and tick remedies are becoming increasingly popular in dogs, which contain 2-3 substances. Such a balanced and selected complex, taking into account the synergistic action, eliminates the development of resistant generations of fleas and other insects, the ingredients enhance each other's action, and the spectrum of action of the agent increases.

In addition to insecticides, the composition of the drops may include synergists, which accelerate the action of the insecticide several times, increase the penetrating ability of the drug through the integument of the insect, and inhibit enzymes that contribute to the formation of resistance.

Rules for the use of drops

Application of a drop of fleas
Application of a drop of fleas

In order for flea and tick tick preparations for dogs to work effectively, they should be safe for pets to know how and where to drip drops.

All funds in the form of drops are packaged in convenient disposable pipettes, with the help of which it is easy to follow the dosage and apply drops from fleas to the dog. To provide a more complete coverage of the dog’s body with the drug and to prevent licking, the agent is applied to the skin under the hair, starting from the back of the head, the withers are captured and up to the middle of the body along the spine. Unlike cats, the spine in dogs is less mobile, so they can be applied so that it captures most of the body. How to drip a remedy is written in the instructions, which should be studied before using the drug.


Drops are applied only to healthy, intact skin, and then rubbed easily, providing a more complete penetration of the agent into the epidermis through the lipid barrier. In the presence of dermatoses, scratching of flea bites, scratches, drops can not be used, you should choose a different form of the product.

Drops from fleas and ticks have a different frequency of use, because the duration of the effectiveness of a flea product is longer than for ticks, due to differences in their physiology.

After the droplets have been applied to the withers of fleas and ticks for dogs, the wool in the processing areas needs to be dried and combed. Do not allow contact with treated animals of children and other pets for 1-2 days. You can not wash the dog, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the product.The withers are the most inaccessible place for the dog, so applying drops to it ensures the safety of the animal.

If an individual reaction to the drug in the form of an allergy or signs of intoxication is noted, drops should be washed off with water and if the symptoms have not disappeared within 2-3 days on their own, then you should seek help at a veterinarian. The treatment should be carried out with medical gloves, to prevent the product from reaching the mucous membranes - in the nose, mouth, eyes.

List of the best tools

Consider drops for dogs from ticks and fleas, the rating of which depends on many factors - efficiency, safety, cost. Among the most popular tools, you can name the following:

Dog flea drops
Dog flea drops
  • Advantix - produces a German company Bayer HealthCare AG. The drug contains two types of insecticides - imidacloprid, permethrin, which have a complex effect on fleas, ticks, poohoedov, horseflies and mosquitoes. Advantix It has a delayed effect, which must be taken into account when walking, when the tick activity season begins. It retains a damaging effect for a maximum period of not less than 1 month against ticks, midges and about 2 months from fleas. The manufacturer does not recommend using drops for protection against parasites of puppies under 7 weeks of age, pregnant females and representatives of small dog breeds.
  • Beafar - are issued by the Beaphar company (Netherlands). Drops from fleas and ticks for dogs contain diazinon, which has a contact effect that is active against fleas, lice, ticks, and lice eaters. It features instant “knockout” action. It retains the damaging effect of 2-3 weeks. Recommended for all breeds of adult dogs, but for puppies can be used no earlier than 3 months. It can not be combined with other types of drugs and insecticides.
  • Pride Ivermicole drops from fleas and ticks, the instruction to which reports that the tool is used to treat entomoses, demodicosis, which cause ticks, fleas and lice. To avoid infection, it is recommended to treat the dog 1-2 weeks before the start of the season of activity of blood-sucking insects. Adults die in 1-2 days, not having time to lay eggs. Ivermicol is effective for a month.
  • Front Line Spot He and Combo - funds are produced by the French company Merial. Thanks to a balanced complex of 3 insecticides, Spot On drops are active against ticks - ear, ixodidae, fleas, and carnivores. The tool destroys scabies mites (itch), which are difficult to treat. The delayed action appears after a day, and lasts for 1 month for ticks and 2 months for fleas. Drops are safe and can be used to treat puppies from 2 months of age, as well as pregnant and lactating females. Drops combo differ only in composition, as they contain fipronil and S – metoprene.

    Drops from fleas for dogs-1
    Dog flea drops
  • Hartz Ultra Guard - A manufacturer of a world-famous corporation Hartz (USA). The best flea drops for dogs and puppies from 3 months of age. The composition includes phenotrin, which acts instantly. Guard remains effective for a month. It is not recommended to treat pregnant, lactating and old dogs. The company produces two types of products - Plus and PRO, which differ in composition.

One-of-a-kind next-garde preparation for fleas and ticks in the form of chewable tablets.

The domestic industry produces a large number of no less effective, but cheaper drops:

According to consumer reviews, the listed drugs are the best among the means for the treatment and prevention of infection of dogs with ticks and fleas.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

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