- Flea delcid
- Flea Ampoule Delcide
- Flea Ampoule Delcide
Deltsid in ampoules - a universal means for destruction flealice dog beetlescabies ticks in animals and pest control of livestock buildings. The drug has proven itself so well that it began to be used for extermination of insects in residential premises. Deltsid in ampoules for treating an apartment from fleas will cost less than a standard aerosol can, and the result of its use is not inferior professional pest control.
Composition and description of the drug
Delcid (Delcid) is an oily substance of light brown, almost yellow color with a subtle specific smell. To prepare a working solution, the emulsion is diluted with water, the finished liquid becomes white. The composition is represented by the following components:
- deltamethrin;
- neonol;
- nefras;
- twin.
The active component is synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin, which has a contact and intestinal effect on parasites. It blocks the transmission of neural impulses, which causes paralysis in the insect and its subsequent death.
The product is packaged in glass or polymer ampoules placed in a cardboard box. A few ampoules are enough to process a living space from fleas. For breeders, breeders, the emulsion is available in cans or vials.
Acquired Delcid in ampoules for her dog. The tool is inexpensive, for a pack gave 180 rubles. Diluted the emulsion, according to the instructions. After processing the dog, there was still a lot of solution. Processed him a room in which the dog spent most of the time. Fleas disappeared both in the animal and in the apartment.
Oksana, Dnepropetrovsk
Advantages of the drug:
- using deltsid from fleas in the apartment is simple and convenient;
- the product is effective both against flying insects and against crawling ones;
- the price of 5 ampoules ranges from 160-200 rubles;
- the drug does not have a pronounced smell;
- It is used for processing rooms and animals, therefore, to get rid of fleas, it is enough to purchase just one remedy.
- the need for self-preparation of the solution;
- You can not handle sick, weak animals and females in the last weeks of pregnancy.
Preparing an apartment for disinfestation
Before you process an apartment from fleas Delcid, a number of preparatory work is required:
- If a pet lives in the house, processing begins with it. Rid a dog of fleas possible with the help of Delcide. The tool is used for cattle, sheep, rabbitsdogs. How to breed Delcid for a pet, is indicated in the instructions.
Flea Ampoule Delcide On a note!
The concentration of the finished solution of 0.125% is one ampoule (2 ml) per 1.6 liters of water. To prepare a smaller amount of solution, it is convenient to measure the required amount of Delcide with a syringe.
By means of a spray, a small-droplet sprayer, the product is applied to the skin of the dog, excluding the eye area. The procedure is recommended to be carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
Instructions for use of Delcide in ampoules do not provide handling flea cats. Therefore, for meowing pets should choose another effective remedy depending on age, individual characteristics of the animal. All dog, cat litter, accessories are also subject to processing. - Carry out wet and dry cleaning. Using an ordinary vacuum cleaner can significantly reduce the number of eggs. Fleas do not lay embryos on a power source, but do so while moving. The egg shell is smooth and slippery, due to which the eggs roll down from any surface. With particular care should be vacuumed carpet products, upholstered furniture.
- The remedy for fleas Delcid belongs to the third class of safety and, when used correctly, does not harm a person or animal. However, the drug is toxic to fish, so if there is an aquarium in the apartment, its inhabitants should be protected.
- Textiles, bedding, blankets are heat treated. If the products cannot be washed in hot water, they should be steamed with an iron or steam generator.
An apartment can be treated with an insecticidal agent only after completing all the points; ignoring one of them will not give a lasting result in the fight against fleas.
The breeder is still inexperienced and poorly guided by how to protect the animal from parasites. Recently, Boole brought fleas from the street. When I noticed them, they already managed to breed. In a veterinary pharmacy, the seller advised me to buy Delcid ampoules. It is not difficult to dilute the product, and the savings in comparison with ready-made sprays are significant. An additional plus is that there is no need to look for an insecticide to process the apartment. For only 200 rubles, I cleaned the apartment and the dog from parasites. Another ampoule remained, can be used for prevention.
Oleg, Arzamas
How to prepare a solution and process the apartment
Processing an apartment with a flea delcid will not cause difficulties. To prepare an insecticidal solution, it is necessary to open the ampoule and dilute its contents with water. For smooth and porous surfaces, dissolve 3.75 ml of Delcide in 1 liter of room temperature water and mix thoroughly. This amount is enough for irrigation 10-12 square meters. m
During the processing of the apartment by Delcid, it is necessary to ensure the absence of people and animals. Pest control is carried out in rubber gloves, a respirator, a protective suit.
After preparation of the insecticidal liquid, the algorithm of actions is as follows:
- the working solution is poured into a spray gun or sprayer;
- keeping the spray gun at arm's length, process all surfaces in the house;
- all objects that are located no higher than 1.5 meters from the floor need to be processed, with special care you should spray the cracks on the walls, the gaps between the skirting boards, as well as the area directly adjacent to the habitat of the pet;
- close windows, doors and leave the apartment for 1 hour;
- upon returning home, ventilate the room and wash those items with which daily contact occurs;
- if necessary, for complete destruction of fleas and their larvae that emerged from eggs after disinfestation, additional processing is carried out after 7-10 days.
Side effects
Reviews of Delcide in ampoules confirm the safety of the product if its use is in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. If the drug enters the skin or mucous membranes, immediately wash it off with running water, and then remove the remaining product with a slightly alkaline solution.
If the insecticide gets inside, the victim should drink several glasses of water at room temperature and 5-8 tablets of activated charcoal or another absorbent medicine.
In case of individual intolerance to the drug during treatment, the appearance of weakness, nausea, and vomiting is possible. If one of the signs appears, disinfestation should be stopped and seek help from a medical institution.
It is strictly forbidden to dispose of the remaining solution in water. The unspent mixture is neutralized with a solution of chlorine or alkali and poured into sludge wells.
Reviews on the use of flea deltsida
I read on the forum that Delcid helps well from basement fleas. Every spring and autumn, these parasites simply conquer. I found the ampoules in the pet store, spread 3 pieces. It turned out almost 2 liters of solution. Processed carpets, floors, bedside tables - all fleas disappeared.
Lyudmila, Pskov
Grannies are constantly feeding cats and now the landings are teeming with fleas. Some insects got into the apartment - you won’t spray yourself with an aerosol every time you walk up the staircase. I had to look for an effective treatment tool. I got Delcid, did everything as indicated in the instructions, and the parasites disappeared. For prevention, I also processed the door frame, and used the remaining product in the stairwell.
Zinaida, Novomoskovsk
I never knew that there is such a cheap remedy for fleas.
Periodically, my floors with the addition of Delcide. Only this saves from the penetration of attic fleas. If one jumps by accident, it doesn’t live for a long time.
Who has already used this tool, tell me, can they handle upholstered furniture?
We processed the back and side walls of the sofa, but previously carefully scrubbed it.
I tried to wash the floors with deltsidom - it did not help.
It is very important to comply with the dosage. Perhaps you poured too little emulsion.
I liked the tool. To breed it for a short time, there is no strong pungent odor, and fleas die from it no worse than from Dichlorvos.
So how to breed? The article provides various information. In one place it is indicated: one ampoule (2 ml) per 6.4 liters of water, and in another - 3.75 ml per 1 liter of water. Concentrations are very different.
Good afternoon!
Sorry for the typo.
Dosage depends on the purpose of use.
If it is necessary to treat the surface in the apartment, the dosage is 3.75 ml of Delcide per 1 liter of water.
If it is necessary to treat a pet (for example, a dog), the dosage is one ampoule (2 ml) per 1.6 liters of water with a flow rate of 5-10 ml / kg of animal weight.
It will be necessary to remember this Delcid. I have a little doggie, you never know who will drag.
My friend keeps a small farm with cows, says that he periodically treats calves from parasites with Delcid. He advised me of this remedy when fleas wound up in the apartment. After processing, there was a faint specific smell, but then it quickly disappeared. And with it insects.
I always buy Delcid for a dog. It turns out much cheaper than buying ready-made flea sprays. But before that I could not process the apartment with this tool