- Celandine Drops
- Celandine Drops
- Application of the drug to the withers
Fleas in pets - a very unpleasant phenomenon, causing discomfort not only to the animal itself, but also to its owner. Eating the blood of a dog or cat, parasites are able through a bite to introduce various bacteria unsafe for the health of the pet. Today on sale there are many good drops to rid dogs and cats of fleas.
One of these modern drugs is Celandine flea drops for cats, instructions for use are included in each package.
Features of the tool
Drops Celandine (chistotel) from fleas is a moderately dangerous preparation of insecticidal composition, including fipronil and permethrin. In addition to these active components, it contains additional auxiliary substances. The package contains instructions for use, which indicate the regulated dose. Due to this, the product does not have irritating effects when applied to the skin of an animal.
For convenience, the flea remedy Celandine of liquid consistency is produced in special pipette-dispensers. In one package there are 3 or 4 pieces. The insecticide begins to act immediately after its application. The active components, spreading over the skin of the pet, remain effective for 1.5 to 2 months.
In the Celandine series of products, there are separate preparations for cats and dogs: Celandine drops for cats and Celandine fleas for dogs. For small pets, Celandine flea drops are available for kittens and puppies. There are also universal drops designed to combat fleas, cannibals in dogs, ticks.
Many owners of four-legged friends, choosing a means of combating fleas, prefer drops. For example, the most popular dog shampoos exterminating bloodsuckers, effective only directly during use. It is possible that the animal bought by him can become infected again almost immediately. After all, when washing, to avoid getting water in the eyes and ears, the product is not applied to the head, as a result of which some of the bloodsuckers can be saved there. Frequent shampoo treatments can destroy the protective layer of the skin.
There are also such pets to whom swimming is contraindicated at all. These include pregnant, sick, very old or weakened animals. In small kittens, the bathing process can cause very strong fright. The best option in such situations is drops from fleas of Celandine for kittens.
A good effect in the fight against parasites gives Collar for Dogs or for cats. However, not all animals like to wear it. Many dogs and cats prefer to get rid of him as quickly as possible. Antibacterial drops do not have such disadvantages. The pet will not be infected again while communicating with other animals while walking on the street. In addition, there is no need to wash off the product.
Drops from fleas for Celandine cats, reviews confirm this, have a lot of advantages:
- the ability to select funds depending on the type and age of the animal;
- long period of action;
- the drug is easy to apply thanks to a convenient release form;
- a wide range of protection against various types of ectoparasites;
- affordable cost.
The disadvantages of the drug include:
- The possibility of an allergic reaction in the pet. There is also the possibility of an allergy in the host animal. In such cases, contact with the treated pet should be temporarily interrupted.
- It is important to prevent the animal from licking the preparation from its coat.
- It is not recommended to use the product for kittens or puppies up to 8 weeks. Also, its use is unacceptable to pregnant, sick and weakened animals.
Terms of use
In the preparation Chistotel drops for dogs, the instruction clearly indicates the especially important points of its use. It is necessary that the place where the product is applied is not only dry and intact, but also inaccessible for licking. For dogs, the drug is applied along the spine, for cats - in the area of the shoulder blades or on the back of the head.
Dosage is selected in accordance with the weight and age of the pet. In view of the fact that Celandine has a residual effect, in most cases one treatment is enough to completely rid the animal of parasites. In case of excessive infection of the animal with fleas, the procedure should be repeated after a month.
Given the fact that fleas jump very well and do not lead a permanent lifestyle on their "owners", you can get rid of them only with the help of an integrated approach. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to treat not only the pet, but the entire room. Particular attention should be paid to the place where the pet is sleeping.
- Drops should be applied between the shoulder blades or on the withers of the animal.
- The drug is dripped directly onto the skin, carefully spreading the cat or dog hair.
- The insecticide, absorbed into the skin of the animal, quickly spreads throughout the body. After that, the excretory system, together with active sweat glands, evenly distributes it on the surface of the skin.
- Outside, the poison is released along with sebum, as a result of which all the parasites that live in your pet's hair die.
- To achieve maximum effect, you should not bathe your pet after treatment for several days.
Combining the treatment with drops of Celandine and wearing an anti-flea collar is strictly prohibited. The consequence of this may be severe intoxication of the body of a four-legged friend.
Security measures
When using Celandine drops to control fleas, the following safety precautions must be observed.
- The person handling the pet should use gloves.
- Do not allow insecticide to enter the eyes and mucous membranes.
- In order to avoid the ingestion of the drug into the human body, it is not recommended to eat, drink or smoke during processing. If the poison nevertheless accidentally gets inside, you should immediately seek medical help.
- After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with a disinfectant.
- You can not use empty containers from drops for household needs, they are only subject to disposal.
Used drops of Celandine to remove fleas from a cat. The animal was very allergic. Use the product with extreme caution, and preferably with minimal doses.
Angelina, Voronezh
To combat fleas in a cat, I use only drops of Celandine. It is convenient that for almost two months the parasites have not tormented him. Very effective remedy. Recommend.
Svetlana, St. Petersburg
Our cats "caught" fleas in the summer at the cottage. Before coming home I had to quickly remove them so as not to infect the apartment. Celandine coped "perfectly"! But we additionally processed the sleeping place of our favorites, and premises by the best meanswhere they have been most often.
Elena, Moscow
Drops Celandine is really an effective remedy. I process my cat with them periodically.
For preventive purposes, I bathe a cat with a flea-proof shampoo, and rinse the pet’s hair with a celandine decoction. This method of combating fleas, in my opinion, is much safer.
The method may be safe, but also less effective. Insecticidal drops make it possible to forget about a problem such as fleas for a long time.
Drops Celandine for fleas is a very powerful tool. Based on my sad experience, I want to warn you - carefully read the instructions before use and do not violate the dosages indicated in it.
I agree with Igor that the tool should be used with great care. Equally important is the correct use of drops. Cats need to drip them on the nape or behind their ears - that is, where they cannot lick the drug. Otherwise, the animal may be poisoned.
I regularly buy my dog drops of Celandine. The tool protects well not only against fleas, but also ticks, which is also no less important. Recommend.
Poisoned Celandine fleas in a kitten. I bought 1 ampoule, and used only a third of it. One treatment was enough to stop parasites from disturbing our furry pet.
The veterinarian advised us to buy drops of Celandine when we showed him our kitten. The remedy really turned out to be effective. However, it has a big drawback - the animal cannot be picked up and stroked for two days. And we have a small child, because of which they bought a kitten. Therefore, I had to constantly follow him.
Drops Celandine - a very effective drug. When they put their cat at the withers, she did not even feel anything. The very next day, the result was obvious - there were no parasites.
The problem of fleas and ticks is especially acute in the summer. When choosing a remedy, it is important that it does not harm the health of the pet. Drops Celandine is just a great thing. We have been using it for several years now, the effect is amazing. Recommend.