- Classification of Lice
- Lice Products
- Lice warning
- Folk remedies
Infestation lice - the phenomenon is quite ordinary. In medicine, it is called head lice. And if in the Middle Ages they treated him quite loyally, now they are ashamed of this problem. Most often appear lice in children and teenagers. This is due to several reasons, one of which is an elementary ignorance of the method lice transmission. Pediculosis prevention in children is carried out in preschool and educational institutions. However, in case of infection of the child, it is not necessary to assign all responsibility to the staff of the institutions. Parents themselves must take preventive measures at home.
Briefly about pediculosis
There are head, pubic and ward lice. The causative agents of the disease are human lice, each species is characterized by the corresponding localization:
- head louse lives on the hair on the head, occasionally on the mustache and beard, the structure of the legs allows it to exist only on the hair with a round cross section;
- pubic louse settles in intimate areas in the presence of hair, in the axillary, inguinal zone, in children can be detected on the eyelashes;
- cootie localized in the folds of clothing.
All of these parasites feed exclusively on human blood. May be disease vectors: typhus, relapsing fever, Volyn fever.
On a note!
Females lay eggs called nits. They are firmly attached to the hair with a sticky substance and it is almost impossible to rinse them with a stream of water.
Treatment for lice is carried out mainly on an outpatient basis. Pharmacies are used to remove insects pediculicidal drugs and folk methods. The agent is applied to the infected area, maintained in accordance with the instructions. Procedure ends combing dead insects and nits. Manipulation is carried out by means of a comb with a fine step or special lice comb.
Pharmaceutical preparations for lice can conditionally be divided into 2 types:
- on the basis of permethrin - an insecticide blocks the work of the nervous system of the parasite, which leads to its paralysis and death;
- the composition includes natural oils and dimethicone, the substances have an enveloping property, which contributes to the violation of oxygen metabolism in lice and leads to its suffocation.
Effective remedies:
- Shampoos: Nock, Higia, Pedilin, VedaSumitrin;
- sprays and aerosols: HerePediculen Ultra, Couple plus, Avalanche;
- lotions: Medifox, Full marx, Nittifor, Paranit Sensitive.
The daughter was infected with lice. She does not attend kindergarten, perhaps the insect crawled from another child during games on the playground. I went to the pharmacy for medicine. They advised Nyuda. It is very tiring to comb out parasites. The child quickly gets tired of sitting in one place for a long time, whims and tears begin. But still get rid of lice we succeeded. But once again I do not want to experience this nightmare. Now, prevention of lice and nits is our priority. Add to baby shampoo tea tree oil. The smell is unobtrusive, his daughter does not feel it, and scares off insects.
Olga, Krivoy Rog
How to prevent lice
Lice are not characterized by flying or jumping abilities, but can only crawl. Infection with lice is possible only through close contact with the carrier or the use of its things. Of all types of head lice, the most common form is headache. Most often, children and adolescents are exposed to it, since they are characterized by:
- touching heads during games;
- take group selfies;
- exchange headgear;
- borrow combs and accessories to create hairstyles.
You can also become infected with lice during training activities, especially for students sitting at the same desk with the carrier, when visiting sports clubs, swimming pools, standing ponds, as parasites remain viable in water for up to 2 days. Pediculosis infection during trips in crowded public transport, staying in children's camps, crowded places, and overnight in hotels whose sanitary standards are far from ideal is not ruled out.
On a note!
Lice are not transmitted from animals, do not appear amid nervous shocks, depressions and all the more cannot be the result of damage or the formation of a negative aura, a weak biofield in humans.
Prevention of lice in children is as follows:
- whenever possible, avoid contact with potentially infected people;
- before visiting preschool, school, section girls to braid their hair in braids;
- conduct explanatory conversations with children, explaining that you can’t use someone else’s hairbrushes, wear headdresses of classmates, classmates;
- regularly inspect the head for lice and nits, the examination is carried out in a well-lit place with a magnifier and a comb, the appearance of small bright capsules that are difficult to separate from the hair and emit a characteristic click when pressed should alert parents. With a 99.9% probability, these are nits;
- apply repellent products.
If lice were found in one of the family members, then all households need treatment and examination. Body contact with the carrier should be limited. All things of the patient, combs must be disinfected.
Prevention in contact with the patient during the procedure for removing lice involves putting on a hat. Also, joint sleep, water procedures are not allowed. An infected person should use separate towels and hygiene products. After hygiene procedures, the bath must be disinfected. Every day, pillowcases are changed, followed by heat treatment, wet cleaning in the house.
On a note!
Prevention and treatment of pediculosis caused by linen lice consists in daily hygiene procedures with a detergent and washcloth, regular change of underwear and bed linen, as well as in the heat treatment of things.
Pediculosis prevention in kindergartens and schools
In educational and preschool institutions, a routine examination by a doctor for lice is carried out. If insects are found, parents are notified and recommendations are given for their removal. During the treatment, the infected person is exempted from visiting the institution and is allowed after presenting a certificate indicating the absence of parasites.
Prevention of lice also includes informing parents about causes of lice, methods of its distribution and treatment.
If lice were detected at home, parents should report this to the institution that visits their child. Such a measure is necessary to prevent the spread of lice. However, given the public’s attitude to lice, it is rare for a parent to report problems.
In the case when insects were detected during hospitalization, visits to doctors, medical personnel independently notify the educational institution. The team takes measures to prevent lice, involving an unscheduled examination.
How to protect yourself from head lice
Protection against lice and nits can be provided by pharmacy or folk remedies. Their use is most appropriate when due to duty or for some other reason, you have to contact with carriers of lice.
Folk remedies for prevention are based on what are lice afraid of - pungent odors:
- St. John's wort broth, tansy infusion, cranberry and lemon juice;
- aromatic oil of geranium, rosemary, burdock, tea tree;
- aniseed oil, lavender, peppermint.
Essential oils added to shampoo for washing hair or rinsing water. The aromas of these oils can scare off lice. Similar effect tar soap or shampoo with tar, the pungent smell of which repels a number of bloodsuckers.
On a note!
Often among folk remedies for prevention, garlic also appears, the infusion of which is used to rinse hair. It is not known for certain whether he will scare away blood-sucking insects, but that fact will try to keep a distance.
Pharmacy products for the prevention of head lice:
- Can be used during an epidemic shampoos or lice sprays. It is enough to treat their head twice a month and you can forget about lice. They are not suitable for daily use, as they contain insecticides. Frequent use will provoke a deterioration in the condition of the hair and scalp.
- Nit Free - a shampoo for the prevention of head lice, is also used for treatment. The composition includes only natural ingredients, including peppermint oil. Disadvantages - a high price within 1000 rubles, a very oily structure of the shampoo, so it is very difficult to wash it off the hair.
Spray for the prevention of lice from this series is represented by two options: with the smell of rosemary, menthol. The tool can be applied to the hair, treat them with hats, pillows. Preserves protective properties during the day. - Nok - shampoo for the prevention and treatment of pediculosis. For protective purposes, use no more than once every two weeks.
- LiceGuard repellent spray is suitable for daily use, does not contain chemical components. The product is sprayed onto the hair before styling. Rinse it off is not necessary. Provides protection against lice for 24 hours. It acts similarly and repellent repellent.
Lice preventive measures cannot guarantee a 100% result, the risk of infection still remains. However, if you adhere to them, the chances of pediculosis are very minimal.
I never specifically treat hair for myself or for children. With pediculosis have not yet encountered.
The best prevention is to wash your hair more often.
You're not right. In clean heads, lice feel even better; moreover, they are not attracted to dirt, but to blood.
In my opinion, protective sprays and shampoos from lice are all nonsense, a marketing move.
I do not agree with you. The wife works in a boarding school, and there they often bring such infuriated children. If I had not used a protective spray, I would have already been infected with pediculosis a hundred times.
It is necessary to try from an early age to inspire children that it is impossible to use other people's combs and exchange hats.
My mother used to cut my hair before sending me to the camp - the best prevention of head lice.
I naively believed that lice can be infected from cats and dogs, what ignoramus I was in this matter.
After the son brought lice, she began to panic fear of re-infection. Buying special preventative shampoos is expensive, so I alternate aromatic oils.
The problem of lice is now not as relevant as in the last century.It is enough not to contact persons who do not inspire confidence.