- Fleas
- Flea bites
- Flea shampoos for cats
Many people have four-legged pets, which bring joy, comfort, warmth and such a problem as fleas. In appearance, small insects are completely harmless. However, such an opinion is absolutely incorrect. Fleas are dangerous for people, as they can bite and eat human blood.
Varieties of fleas that live on pets
In nature, there are fleas that live not only on animals, but also on humans, rodents and even birds. Each insect adapts to the characteristics of its prey (skin, body temperature, blood, etc.). However, in the absence of such a “power source”, the blood-sucking parasite is able to be satisfied with any warm-blooded organism nearby.
Many mustachioed pet owners wonder if cat fleas for a person. Parasites can live in dirty basements and various landfills, where sick and even dead animals are. Having a cat in the house that regularly goes outside does not rule out the possibility that she is quite capable of bringing such insects to her house.
Therefore, fleas in cats are dangerous for humans. Feeding on the blood of an infected animal, they absorb the pathogens of the infection, which will subsequently be transmitted through bite new owner. It could be:
- salmonellosis;
- plague;
- encephalitis;
- typhus;
- listeriosis or tularemia.
Moreover, cat fleas attack people 3 times more often than dog parasites.
Dog fleas can choose warm-blooded animals such as cats or horses as their victims. They do not live on a person, but with severe hunger they do not disdain his blood.
Can animal fleas be transmitted to humans
Despite the fact that cats are the preferred hosts for bloodsucking parasites, small pests to satisfy the hunger can attack and bite a person. Insects briefly migrate to people, pursuing only this goal. They prefer to breed and lay eggs in darker, wetter and warmer places. In basements, garbage dumps, even in doghouses, fleas are dangerous for humans, as they can cause a painful bite.
Regular inspection and treatment of animals with special tools will help prevent the appearance of flea bites in humans.
Symptoms of the appearance of fleas in humans
Surprisingly, not every owner of a furry pet is aware of what fleas are dangerous for humans. An insect bite is quite painful. Due to the absence of a proboscis for sucking blood, the parasite practically bites into the surface of the skin.
On a note!
Any antiseptic will help get rid of unpleasant itching after a flea bite.
After a few minutes, the bite site begins to redden, severe itching and burning appear. The result of combing becomes red inflamed spots. Most importantly, with such contact there is a high probability of contracting a dangerous infection. Dermatitis, erythema, pulicosis, brucellosis, encephalitis, salmonellosis - this is what a flea bite is dangerous for a person. And this is only part of the list, there are more than 100 diseases, many of which can be fatal.
The bite of the parasite is also dangerous by the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which is more often observed in children. Symptoms may include a runny nose, dry cough, hives, dermatitis, and itching.
The consequences of flea attacks are not only red tubercles that cause aesthetic discomfort. A parasite bite can be deadly. Therefore, knowing why fleas are harmful to humans, it is necessary to start a fight against them in a timely manner.
How to prevent the appearance of parasites in the house
Knowing how dangerous animal fleas are, it is necessary to start a fight with them as soon as possible. If a cat became a source of parasites in the house, it is necessary to treat the animal anti-cloud remedy specifically for cats. Today, there are many drugs on sale that allow you to remove insects without much effort. They can be in the form of:
- Dropswith which it is enough to process the withers of the animal. The following drugs have proven their effectiveness: Barrier, Dana Ultra Neo, Blokhnet, Celandine.
- Aerosol, the use of which is important to avoid contact with eyes;
- Pills
- Shampooscontaining insecticidal components;
- Anti-collar collars for cats and dogs. They must be changed periodically, since over time the effectiveness of the accessory decreases.
The next step in fighting fleas is apartment processing. There are a large number of effective drugs. Such means have gained great popularity:
Do not think that the habitat of the bloodsuckers is only your pet. Insects can choose the most inconspicuous places in the house: they can settle behind the baseboards, in the carpet pile, as well as in the litter of four-legged friends. It is there that they multiply, while the body of your pet is used by fleas exclusively as a source of nutrition. It should also be borne in mind that parasites can jump well. Therefore, not only floors and carpets fall into the risk zone, but also furniture, and even walls.
To cleanse the house of harmful insects, it is necessary to treat all possible habitats with a special insecticidal agent. Do not forget that drugs of this series can be harmful to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the treatment in a protective suit, which includes a respirator, goggles, gloves and clothing as closed as possible.
You should also remove children, people with allergies and pets from the premises in advance. Clothes must be carefully tucked out and hung out in the sun. If possible, bedding and rugs should be washed and heat treated. Particular attention should be paid to cat or dog bedding, as well as to the pet's favorite places of stay.
After 2-3 hours from the moment of processing, the room should be thoroughly ventilated and washed. To achieve maximum effect after 7-10 days, a similar procedure should be repeated. You can get rid of flea eggs with a steam generator. It is enough to walk with hot steam through all inaccessible places and crevices. Then clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.
Knowing what a flea bite is dangerous for a person, it is important to prevent its appearance and spread in the apartment. Preventive measures can help. You should regularly inspect the pet's hair for fleas. To take a dog or cat out for a walk in a special anti-collar collar. Periodically use special flea remedies. They are especially necessary when a pet comes in contact with homeless animals.
Realizing the danger posed by flea bites to humans, you can get rid of parasites correctly and in a timely manner.
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